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im the grammy gram jamie

mem_normal2 OFFLINE
60 years old
jacksonville, Florida
United States
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MEMBER SINCE: 11/26/2010
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LAST LOGIN: 04/18/2017 10:41:01

[URL=http://www.dazzlejunction.com/] [/URL]I enjoy watching macys thanksgiving parade ,Christmas movies with my grand babies tiah and hunner Disney movies etc

Lest We Forget image
Veterans Day Pictures
I know this is music but I cant fine what I want god bless usa ,many others Christmas music etc

Savior image
Christmas Religious Pictures
the Christmas storys etc the holy bible story books to my grand babies

Misc Glitter Images
Comment Graphics
making different things with tiah and hunner cookies etc

Wonderland Snowbud image
Winter Pictures
I love watching making videos of tiah at her Christmas mini meets and summer mini meet

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Grandma Angel image
Angel Pictures
hi every one well a lot has change ive been living in our beautiful home for 2 years now.my grand babies are in school tiah is in first grade ,my hunner the little man is in kindergarden,bailey who we don't get to see lives in Tennessee long story she is in2nd grade .my son Jonathon lives in Daytona florida going to embry riddle aviation university very proud of him hes no long in navy and very single .my daughter jenny I'm very proud of works hard going for her masters degree very good mom to tiah and hunner .ryan is great step son who I think of as a son he to is single working for publix .Ashley who is baily mom had took her away where we cant see bailey bug we miss all of them another long story.me I'm a very thankful mom, wife ,grand ma for all wonderful blessings that lord has giving to me . I'm a save by his grace born again christin.

[URL=http://www.dazzlejunction.com/] [/URL]my family is my life and my world .my my two wonderful kids to my grand babies and mu hubby who works hard for us etc .

Bible Verse Images
Comment Graphics
I really don't have any turn offs only thing I dislike is people making mountains out of mode hills.i love the lord above

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