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03/13/2025 06:25:34

Good Morning my Treasured Friend,

May your Day be Filled with Peace & Love ;)

Keep on the Magic & Light,

Hugs from France...♥ 

Aucune description disponible.

Aucune description disponible.

Aucune description disponible.

Aucune description disponible.

Aucune description disponible.

Aucune description disponible.

ocean sunset GIF by The Bachelor Australia - Find & Share on GIPHY

03/12/2025 22:12:23

ไอเดีย Happy : Thursday 390 รายการ | ศิลปะคริสต์มาส, ปาตาโกเนีย,  โกลเด้นรีทรีฟเวอร์

The 20 Most Beautiful Flowers in the World

03/12/2025 14:44:15

Life gives answer in 3 ways... 

It says Yes & gives u what u want, 

it says no and gives u something better, 

it says wait and gives u the Best!

~ Unknown ~

03/12/2025 06:24:28

Pine Words

Pine Words

03/11/2025 23:01:27


Fischia or Dancing Ladies

03/11/2025 22:57:44

03/11/2025 08:40:55

Everyone has a story, 

whether its a fairy tale 

or a nightmare, 

is completely up to you.

~ Unknown ~

03/11/2025 06:51:52

Happy Tattoo Tuesday..:)

Neck Tattoo

This may contain: a wolf is sitting in the grass with flowers around him and looking at the camera

Some people aren't who they say they are.Be cautiious of the company you keep..Wolves in sheeps clothing.

Big HUgzz for your day xo

Story pin image

03/10/2025 22:29:33

Pin page

Cosmos, a beautiful and durable flower for your garden | My desired home

03/10/2025 18:01:43

This may contain: gold butterflies flying in the sky

This may contain: a card with a butterfly on it that says, butterflies are the most beautiful things in nature

Never hide your wings...HUgzzz xo

03/10/2025 12:04:40

“Using your talent, hobby or profession

in a way that allows you to contribute

something good to this world

is truly the way to go.”

~ Simon Zingerman ~

03/10/2025 06:57:23

This may contain: a woman in tights and high heels posing for the camera

Story pin image

This may contain: a person holding a pink umbrella with flowers on it and wrapped in white tissue paper

03/09/2025 22:54:51

New Week & New Blessings: 100+ Happy Monday Quotes

36 Most Beautiful Flowers with Names and Pictures - Best Types of Flowers  for Your Garden

03/09/2025 22:21:03

03/09/2025 13:26:09

I love it when were cruisin together...

This may contain: a woman sitting in the back seat of a van with a dog looking out the window

Cruise with me... Relax its Sunday..xo 

03/09/2025 09:08:47

Blessed Morning With Life..

03/08/2025 21:43:19

good morning happy sunday Images • Its--Sumant❤️@9556 (@itssumant) on  ShareChat

❥○❥ ♥ ♥ ❥○❥

03/08/2025 13:48:35

This may contain: a baby girl wearing a pink dress surrounded by flowers

Story pin image

This may contain: a woman in a pink dress sitting on a couch with flowers and greenery around her

This may contain: an older woman sitting on a pink chair holding a bouquet

We are all beautiful...:)

This contains: Let us empower each other, lift each other up, and celebrate each other’s victories. We are a force to be reckoned with when we stand together. Happy International Women’s Day!


03/08/2025 11:49:46

Coucou ma chère Gervaise ,

Profite bien de ce week-end printanier pour te reposer , te relaxer, qu'il te soit douceur , tendresse et bonheur  !
Le plus grand secret pour le bonheur c'est d'être bien avec soi !
Bon week-end ...


Belle journée internationale des droits de la femme !




*°•.✫ Douces pensées ✫.•°*

    ♥ Bisous du coeur ♥




03/08/2025 11:05:05

Story pin image

Even when wounded, a lioness and a warrior woman fight on." It is a blessing to be born a woman.The lioness does not wait for a hero; she becomes one."

Lion Wildlife GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

03/08/2025 06:00:05

Wishful Endings

White Tiger - Animals Photo (37562854) - Fanpop

Wishful Endings

03/08/2025 01:32:06

03/07/2025 21:56:07

70+ Happy Saturday Wishes and Morning Greetings | WishesMsg

Son simples pero realmente preciosas

03/07/2025 18:14:49

HI hope you have a Fun Friday..

This may contain: a woman in white pants and sneakers posing for the camera with her legs spread out

Dance into the weekend.. HUgzz xo 

03/07/2025 16:53:58

Can you find me??? lol

This may contain: several women in costumes sitting in front of a movie theater

This may contain: three people in costumes sit on an airplane with their faces covered by fake furs

This may contain: a woman sitting on top of a pink couch in front of a window

Just a little weekend madness...

This may contain: three women in pink outfits holding a sign that says have a fabulous weekend


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