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03/12/2025 16:38:36

Kedves Barátom!

Csapadékosabbra fordult az idő, kell az eső. Hét végére még egy kis lehűlést is ígérnek. További kellemes időtöltést a hét további napjaira. Ma estére jó pihenést, majd szép álmokat! Ölelésem, Éva




,, Egyetlen fájdalmat, szorongást, kétséget sem szabad hosszú ideig dédelgetned a lelkedben. Mert az élet értelme a derű. Táplálni csak azt szabad, ami virágzásnak indult. Ami hervad, azt el kell engedni. "

Müller Péter


03/12/2025 15:21:07

03/12/2025 15:19:41


03/12/2025 15:07:25

03/12/2025 14:51:32

Have nice mid week Hugzzs

03/12/2025 14:51:29

Life gives answer in 3 ways... 

It says Yes & gives u what u want, 

it says no and gives u something better, 

it says wait and gives u the Best!

~ Unknown ~

03/12/2025 14:48:37
☀Dear Boomer Friend (♥ˆ◡ˆ)
♡ ● ¸ .★ ♡ :.  . • ○ ° ★♡ :.  . • ○ ° ★
♥Spreading my Friendship on your Page♥
♥Have a wonderful Day my sweet Friend♥
♡ ● ¸ .★ ♡ :.  . • ○ ° ★♡ :.  . • ○ ° ★
☀Love ♥ From My Heart..
❉(◕‿◕✿ Mary ღ Shereya ☆

03/12/2025 14:41:51

03/12/2025 14:16:18

Dear friends♥️
even then on the
PC of the company
Lots of love from♥️
this side
greetings and have a nice
Can't do much now
No problem
I work on a PC♥️
and am being considered
Everything will be fine♥️
Hugs and take good
care of yourself ♥️
Dayenne kiss♥️
From the Netherlands♥️
XoXO Dayenne

03/12/2025 14:13:16

*Enjoy your day dear Nelrgla*

03/12/2025 14:06:33

Hippy Hugs are free today 

03/12/2025 12:45:25

03/12/2025 10:40:16

03/12/2025 10:19:10

03/12/2025 10:09:04

Bonjour, mon amie Nelrgla.

Que chaque instant de ta journée.

Soit rempli de gratitude et d'amour.

Je suis heureuse de t'avoir dans ma vie.

Merci pour ton amitié.

Bisous câlins. Élisa

03/12/2025 10:01:05

laney on X:

03/12/2025 09:54:24

Have a beautiful day. ❤️

03/12/2025 09:50:07

03/12/2025 09:37:17

03/12/2025 09:23:22

Have a wonderful Wednesday.  Almost the weekend and St. Patrick's Day. Hope you have your green ready.  Jazzsinger

03/12/2025 09:12:27

Hi there, 

my dearest Nelrgla♥,

because of my multiple sclerosis

my eyes healing a little slower

than normal after the operation.

But since I want to stay in touch with you,

I will post my comments once or 

twice a week via bulletin.

I will also try to respond

to any special comments I receive…

But I can’t promise it.

~As Always with Respect~

Much Love & Hugs…your Vicky

PS:For those of you who missed my last bulletins

where I explain what happened, 

here are the links again.




03/12/2025 08:56:13

“The more you praise and celebrate your life,
the more there is in life to celebrate.”


Wishing you a Wonderful Wednesday, Dear Friend


Lots of Love!

03/12/2025 08:55:00

Beautiful Blessed Morning

⏦゚♡︎ Lot's Of Love⏦゚♡︎

03/12/2025 08:49:37

Hello my sweet friend, wishing you a pleasant day, smile :) 

03/12/2025 08:38:45

Hello, friend, start your Wednesday on the right 

 happy day middle of the week May GOD wrap

your house in LOVE, your mind in PEACE and HARMONY 

and yourLIFE in blessings if you wake up with joy

you will feel happier every day never give up and 

fight for your dreams with hope they

will come true ignore the bad and enjoy all 

the beauty that a new day offers us

the week flies by like birds and soon

the weekend arrives rest and enjoy your

excellent day have a wonderful day like

you I send you big hugs Maria

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