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03/31/2025 15:43:15

Bonsoir mon Ami/e

Que ton esprit se libère

de toutes les préoccupations

et que tes rêves te transportent

vers un monde de paix

et d’harmonie

Puissent les étoiles veiller sur toi

pendant ton sommeil

et t’offrir des rêves pleins de magie

et de douceur

Je te souhaite une nuit remplie

de rêves colorés

où chaque instant

est empreint de bonheur

et de tendresse

Bonne nuit mon Ami/e

Et surtout prend soin de toi

  ..Amitié/Tendresse de

03/31/2025 14:42:29

Greeings and Love ♥️
From this Netherlands ♥️
Dayenne ♥️

03/31/2025 13:25:43

Good Afternoon Friend,

 I hope that your day is going well ~ Hugs

03/31/2025 12:33:55

Let's enjoy a Music Monday 

03/31/2025 11:42:20

Hello, good start to the week. There's only one day left until April begins. We'll give it a new day. We'll open and have one more day. So the days go by. In Spain, it's often said that the days go by, but they come back to us. That's life, but blessed by God who lights us up, and having a great day is our hope.Today is a gift to you, just like you are a gift to me. I am glad that you are a part of my life. Good Morning.

Let's SMILE and be GRATEFUL for another day. Have a great day

 May LOVE and HAPPINESS come to you in abundance

If you can see the POSITIVE sides of everything, you'll be able to live a much Wishing you a warm and healthy morning, to make your day so special.take care kisses,maria

03/31/2025 07:29:45

Monday morning..i wish you a awesome new week..hugs xoxo 










03/31/2025 01:36:00

03/30/2025 18:58:02

Hello Sweet Friend,


 Hope that your weekend was good. Have a nice evening Hugs & Love

03/30/2025 18:13:00


03/30/2025 14:56:56

03/30/2025 09:59:33

Hello, may your Sunday be as beautiful

as you expect, may a goblin come

with a magic wand and light you up like

the stars in the sky that shine

may your day be fulfilled with all your plans

with all your enthusiasm, may you hope that every

day is happy and everything goes well

with surprises you don't expect

full of positive and bright energy

and may it be like a gift you so desire

big hugs Maria, take care of yourself

03/30/2025 06:46:26

have a beautiful blessed Sunday..hugs 






03/30/2025 02:28:51

03/29/2025 15:38:08

03/29/2025 11:39:20

Hello everyone
dear friendsߒ
sorry for my
absence ٰߒ
Hereby a nice
weekend healthy
thanks I am
short of time am
honest about itӰߒ
There is now a great
internet has taken a long time
forgive meӰߒ
Lots of love and hugs
Dayenne ӰߒӰߙ

03/29/2025 08:54:46

 Hello Friend,

 I am back computer is fixed. Have a nice day. Hugs

03/29/2025 07:12:52



03/29/2025 03:52:22

03/28/2025 15:52:42

03/28/2025 08:39:17

Happy Friday  





03/28/2025 08:29:50

Good morning, friend, another weekend,

 the days fly by like birds, have 

a great, beautiful day, just like you want,

may no one spoil your day, have a great, beautiful

day, like life, may it smile at you and be

very happy in your own way, and may

you enjoy the weekend full of new emotions,

 with all my best wishes, hugs, take care,

 kisses, Maria,...............

03/28/2025 02:35:34

03/27/2025 18:48:08



03/27/2025 10:04:17

Hello,have a wonderful Thursday, a good day to reflect on what we still have to do this week. Be strong, and make the most of your magical day. May this Thursday be as good and kind to you as you are to everyone else. Today I place my family, my friends, and my life in your blessed hands. May we achieve our goals. May we achieve all our dreams again. May they come true. May you have a day filled with joy from the bottom of your heart. Maria, take care.

03/27/2025 09:24:28

Good Morning my Dearest Friend,

May your Day be a Lovely Field of Shiny Joys !

Sending You Flowers, Hugs & Love...♥♥

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