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Viewing 1 - 10 out of 10 Comments

03/02/2025 09:36:35

No photo description available.good morning to all my dear friends.mr, winter is back for a few more days, yesterday was  nice. blessings  sunday enjoy the morning coffee, my leg is slowly getting beter, still leaping my friend dolan who is in my club, he is in charge of dancing activity with us, on fridays he does zumba with us, friday  past  someone has to take his place  his left leg  and my right leg  we great pair lol.  i stayed near my table i did a little  i used my arms and let leg  ha ha, well my boomer place i dont give up, i keep ging, iam so blessed. take care, love mary

03/02/2025 09:21:19

No photo description available.

02/27/2025 08:14:41

No photo description available.

02/22/2025 18:47:16

gooegd eveing my dear friends hope you had a good day,  yesterday when i got home from my  better days club about 2 hours later  i had such cramps in my right leg, i  mustve  pull a leg musel when i doing zumba    , zumba dancing was at 10 or around there, at 11  am we had bingo then 12 we had lunch then another activity before we go home  , so i cant figure that hours later i had  leg pain  i still have a little not as bad   last night didnt had to much sleep couldnt get comforable. today i didnt get dressed i stayed in my nightgown. have a good night  hugs  xxxxxxx000; to all, love mary

02/20/2025 18:13:12

my adopted wolf lunabeleMay be an image of dog and text that says 'elle'

02/20/2025 18:05:39

beauty and her brotherNo photo description available.

02/18/2025 16:21:04

Got another vister at my door he looks beautiful i think he is my beauty brother  some cats  are my neighbor cats  near me, beauty comes to visit us  we  feed her then she goes home, i guess she brings her family with her.No photo description available.

02/17/2025 09:37:10

Good morning wow lasy night i thought our moble home was going fly  away like wizard of oz, earlyer my cat beauty  keep on trying to stay in the house we let her stay untile the rain stop i had to tell her she has to go home,  she lives down the street from us, we sharing her, today is windy everything is blowing away wizard of oz again. oh well. have a good day dont blow away. love ya all.

02/15/2025 18:29:21

good night its only 7 pm my daughter susan again outside shaveling snow 4 th time, we have snow almost every week or so, dont know about anyone else iam ready for spring,hope everyone had a good valenntine day, valentine  feb,14 1977 48 years ago my daughter susan was 2 years old we moved in this  moble home park. wow how time flys, at my club we had a valentine party had a DJ, did alot of dancing, a update on our friend Rob i receved a letter  rob is retirement he is getting better ill keep you posted,  i send him a card    praying, thank god.  keep warm, tomrrow suppose to rain, god bless you all, love mary

02/13/2025 18:27:46

May be an image of heart, toy and text that says 'Happy Valentine'sDav 's Day facebook.com/YearGiFs GiFs'

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