<center><p><img src="https://i.pinimg.com/736x/20/b7/66/20b7660997305be7890fe307692cfb9b.jpg" alt="25 Rare Photos Of "I Love Lucy" In Color"></p></center>
Sis. Katie, you have been busy. And what is retirement? aT 70 I suppose I could be retired, but I will not be until I am not here anymore. We have been having cold weather, 41 for the high to day and 33 this morning. I got the cars oil change as it was needed. Had to go to the VA Clinic and get my ID to work in the new system the VA will be having soon. Doing studies can be hard if one is not use to doing them. I do them every Tuesday Evening and the Lesson and Sermon on the Sabath, so I am use too it. It seems to me that time is moving on fast, and I guess before we know it, it will be summer time. The Sabbath School Lesson is Messiah the Bread of LIfe. And that will be interesting. Glad things are going well there. Take care and have a great Friday. Bro. Doc
Hello! I have been very busy too! I have been singing in our choir and the music is very touching. I feel so close to Him when I sing.
Tonight I start new bible study. This one is with all the lady's of the church. I was invited to prepare and lead the study. It will run for 3 lessons each and i will be doing 2. The 1st is about Mary from Madela, the sexond is Mary the mother of our Lord.
I have already written all the lessons out. For both study's: The 1st lesson dispells the myths about her, the 2nd one focuses on what the Word actually says about her and the 3rd lessons we can learn from her life.
When I'm not working on Bible study's and singing in the church choir, I'm quilting or making modest Barbie doll dresses for my grand daught
I may be retired but I love to stay busy So glad to hear you are doing well and keeping busy too. 1st Thess. 4:11 speaks of that if I remember correctly! lol
Thank you for keeping in touch! In Prayers and in Service, Katee