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06/21/2024 00:31:07

Hikaye Pini görüntüsü

06/21/2024 00:09:48

06/20/2024 23:41:34

Summer Tags

06/20/2024 23:40:47

Good morning sweetLady Patricia and heartily greetings to You


06/20/2024 23:10:22

Hello Sweetness!

When we least expect it; Life set s usa challenge to test our courage and ourwillingness to change; at such a moment,there is no point in pretending that nothing has happened or in saying thatwe are not yet ready.The challenge will not wait. Life does not look back. A week is enough for us to decide whether ornot to except our destiny.         ---- Paulo Coelho ----

Morning My Beautiful Friend....The sky is Blue, The air is crisp,The
sun is shining for us today. Lets make the best this day has to offer
us.Let s enjoy Life! See you back here on Monday Sweet One. Stay Safe, Stay Well,
Stay Beautiful and Humble mi querido amiga/amigo.Te envio mucho amor y
respeto, su querida amiga janet.

06/20/2024 22:41:43

Hello Sweetness!

Kiss Me on The Lips!

06/20/2024 22:29:56

Hello Sweetness!

Super Heroes on Ice.

06/20/2024 22:23:41

“One way of celebrating the Solstice is to consider it a sacred time of reflection, release, restoration, and renewal.” — Sarah Ban Breathnach ~ Keep cool and sleep well friend



06/20/2024 21:58:59

Happy Friday Morning | Good morning happy friday, Good morning images, Good  morning happy

An Array Of Colorful Flowers In A Fields Background, Spring, 42% OFF

fall engagement photo pose | Poses, Foto poses, Verlovingsfoto poses

06/20/2024 20:55:48


06/20/2024 20:13:26

06/20/2024 20:01:26

06/20/2024 17:42:55

hi , my  dear friend !

happy Summer !

Enjoy and stay safe .

Here in Belgium, we finally have had a nice first Summer day , without rain !!!!!!!

you, who are longing for some freshness....

I blow very hard on the big clouds full of rain...so that they reach you...and bring you a little freshness.

I hope I have enough breath to make them move towards you...

much love


coucou cher(e) ami(e) 

heureux été !

profite et reste en bonne santé !

Ici en Belgique, nous avons finalement eu une belle première journée estivale, sans pluie !!! c'est un miracle !!!!!

A toi  qui aspire à un peu de fraicheur,

Je souffle tres fort sur les gros nuages pleins de pluie afin qu'ils puissent venir te raffraîchir ....

j'espere seulement avoir assez de souffle pour pouvoir les envoyer dans ta direction....

gros bisous


06/20/2024 17:01:50

06/20/2024 16:35:54


Love doesn’t need to be perfect, it just needs to be true.

06/20/2024 16:18:20

hi ! my sweet friend 

To-day was the beginning of Summer time....

it started nicely : we had sunshine !!!

it was so long ago.....

I just hope it will last that way !!!!...

We have had so much rain during the whole spring !!! ....

some sunshine is so good for a happy mood !!

This night, I'll surely have a very peaceful rest...

you, my friend , who are longing for some rain ....I have been so free as to give the rainy clouds your address....

....hoping they will find you in good health.....

I wish you a very good night

An angel will bring you  my big friendly kisses on both your cheeks.

See you back to-morrow


06/20/2024 16:09:43
I  Hope you have a blessed Thursday. diamond

06/20/2024 15:51:55

06/20/2024 15:16:56

06/20/2024 15:06:05



Stay well and safe my friend.Sweet HUgzz Maria xo 

06/20/2024 14:57:28

The day is beautiful, the sky is dotted with clouds of various hues as they run toward the sea that a green light undressing a billowing fog that parts the warming sun on a field of gorgeous yellow flowers. Wishing you a wonderful Thursday afternoon, my friend.


flower 778

06/20/2024 14:40:03

Top 10 Carnival Pickup Lines This Summer 

10. I couldn't help noticing you throw up on the Tilt-a-Whirl

 9. Is somebody frying dough or is that you

 8. But I have to put my hands there to guess your weight

 7. I get off at nine, Senator Tower

 6. After a nice candlelit dinner, I'll let you pound a nail into my head

 5. I'm sure I've got a tattoo of your name on me somewhere

 4. How'd you like to become Mrs. Torso?

 3. Insert your own corndog joke here

 2. You know, if you didn't have that

 hard squinty look so common to carnival

 trash, you could be a model

 1. Is that a ring toss game - or are you

 just glad to see me?


06/20/2024 14:14:11

♥️ ♥️ ♥️

06/20/2024 14:05:11

06/20/2024 13:48:32

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