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05/15/2024 14:10:18

Sometimes what you want isn't always what you get, 

but in the end of what you get is so much better 

than what you wanted.

~ Unknown ~

05/15/2024 13:13:20

Hope what ever you drink to start your day

Has kicked in 

05/15/2024 11:05:17

Hello Sweetness!

           ---- Don't Just ----     Don't just learn, experience.     Don't just read, absorb.     Don't just change, transform.     Don't just relate, advocate.     Don't just promise, prove.     Don't just criticize, encourage.     Don't just think, ponder.     Don't just take, give.     Don't just see, feel.     Don't just dream, do.     Don't just hear, listen.     Don't just talk, act.     Don't just tell, show.     Don't just exist, live.    -- Roy T  Bennette --

Morning Sweet Friend Of Mine.....The weather is getting warmer day by
day, so let s make our day amazing! Look up towards the sky and let s
thank the creator for such an amazing day! See you back here on
Friday.Stay Safe, Stay Well, Stay Beautiful and Humble mi querido
amiga/amigo,como siempre enviado con mucho carino y respeto, su querida
amiga janet.


05/15/2024 10:20:54

morning..wishing you a beautiful day..hugs xo 










05/15/2024 10:14:32

Cheers my friend.. Hugzzz xo

05/15/2024 09:29:57

05/15/2024 09:16:23

Story pin image

Hugzz sweety, just me.. xo

05/15/2024 08:25:19

05/15/2024 08:17:08

hello ! cher(e) ami(e) !

Il y a du soleil chez toi ?, woh !! 

Ici en Belgique il pleut encore !!! 

Depuis le début du printemps nous n'avons eu que 6 jours de beau temps !

Je sens les plumes qui me poussent sur le dos, et les palmes que j'attrappe aux pieds !!!!!! LOL LOL

J'en ai marre de toute cette flotte  !!!!

Hier a été un jour maudit !! :  deux herons sont venus manger tous les poissons de mon étang !!!

Quand je les ai vus, c'était trop tard !!!.

Je suppose qu'il n'y en est resté aucun !!!

quand, comme d'habitude, je suis allée le soir les nourrir...pas âme qui vive !!!..

Ca me rend bien triste

Ils étaient nombreux: l'année passée, ils avaient fait beaucoup de petits ! .

Dans quelques minutes, je vais aller au poulailler dans le verger; chercher les oeufs...

....mais je vais devoir prendre un parapluie et mettre mes bottes....

C'est une pitié d'avoir un temps pareil...!!!!!!!!!

mais...ne te tracasse pas : je garde le sourire !!

Voici quelques images qui sont sensées te donner le sourire

Passe une agreable journée !

Gros bisous et câlins au delà des distances.


05/15/2024 06:38:07

Good Morning Wednesday Wishing You Success And Joy

05/15/2024 06:20:50

05/15/2024 04:05:20

05/15/2024 04:01:21

💚 Good morning
have a wonderful Wednesday 💚

05/15/2024 01:33:36

Hello dear friend...enjoy a nice Wednesday! Kisses for you.

05/14/2024 22:39:20

Hello Sweetness!

I wanna be that Fantasy    that you     got on  your mind.

Your clothes, the aroma of your cologne,is so intoxicating....

Shhhh my Angel don't say a wordI've been waiting for this moment, the day, has now slipped away it'sour time Shhhh my angel the stars are just right, this is our special nightwhisper, kiss me until the starsdisappear into the midnight leavingonly daylight, Shhhh.....

Don't bite your lipI want to do that          for you.

Baby, Kiss me         like you        miss me..

 Welcome to Heaven!

       Baby, Your Pleasure         is my     Priority.

Love            me             till       I'm me           again.

     Shhhhh  I'm gonna   make you     feel so       good.

Be her strength, but make herweak at  the knees.

Every woman needs aman that teaches herhow to explore allher Dark fantasies.

     who's      yourDaddy?

05/14/2024 21:27:14


05/14/2024 18:12:03


05/14/2024 18:11:10

Its been a busy day but I wanted to stop in to say good night..Hope you had a good day

05/14/2024 18:06:58

Tattoo Tuesday


05/14/2024 17:08:54
“Good evening! Let the beauty of the setting sun remind you that there’s always something wonderful to look forward to.

Thank you, Hugzz & kissezz...Maria xo

05/14/2024 13:55:39



05/14/2024 13:48:14

j'espere que tu as passé une belle journée.

Ici il pleut

gros câlins


05/14/2024 13:18:32

Here is my gift for you my friend..
many :))) Jo

05/14/2024 12:46:49

Between what is said and not meant, 

and what is meant and not said, 

most of love is lost.

~ Khalil Gibran ~

05/14/2024 12:26:56

Enjoy your Day no matter what you do 

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