Good Evening June, it was 59 today and very nice. My EPDM Rubberized Heat Roof got cleaned by the Roof Compnay that cleans it. 445.00 dollars. It took one hour and 4 men. What I should do is get over going on a roof which is not very pitched and save the money and clean it myself. Got some good deals over at Grocery Deal today. We also got our voting done and in the mail. I am glad that we mail by mail, and not have to go to a voting booth. Havdn't done that in over 30 years and it is nice. Glad you had a nice day, but rain your way would help. Have a great day tomorrow. Bro. Doc
Plants are watered in front and back. The foundation was watered this week. Now the sprinklers are going full blast! Hope the cracks will not get any bigger.