Morning Sweet Friend...Sending you mid-week Love and good vibes.I hope
the rest of the week treats you well.Stay Safe, Stay Well, Stay
Beautiful n Humble querido amigo/amiga.Con mucho amore y respeto, tu
amiga que nunca se olvida de ti, Janet.
Good Evening June, 55 today. Glad I do not have AOL I have Hunter Communications, High Fiber and pay only 50 dollars. This is with the discount. Would be 60 dollars if I was not on Auto pay. I have heard of late that AOL has been having problems, not sure what they are. But sure am glad I have high fiber and get around faster than Wi-Fi. We did have some rain this morning. But hard to believe tomorrow is the middle of the week. Have a great rest of the day June. Bro. Doc
Evening was nice day 40's
4 hours on the phone aol to fix it couldn't log on .
hope its ok now. went for coffee and the dollar tree.,