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mem_normal2 OFFLINE
60 years old
Boomerville, Colorado
United States
Profile Views: 4579
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Referrals: 9

MEMBER SINCE: 04/07/2006
STAR SIGN: Capricorn
LAST LOGIN: 10/20/2024 21:29:34

This is found in Terms & Conditions each member agreed to when joined the site.

for your interactions with other members. Members having disagreements with other members need to handle it privately between that member not causing drama, bullying, talking negative causing separation among members can be a reason for removal. MyBoomerPlace is a site for friendship and working together in peace and unity.

Important Notice and New Changes!

"Our top priority is to keep the Members at MyBoomerPlace Safe" This is about how we plan to make MyBoomerPlace a Safer place and more enjoyable for all of us.

Within the last year, a member rejoined myboomerplace who in the past had caused some issues arguing and causing big drama at Boomers. He returned Promising it would never ever happen again, and was given that One last chance to not cause any problems. This didn't last long as members were being approached and made to feel uncomfortable and unsafe even at times threatening members. This member was asked to stop many times and refused. The issues were getting bigger and bigger. It got to the point where this member was even opening new pages using proxies so the member wouldn't be identified and then contacting members. At times even using active members' pictures in joining the site. Many members were becoming very upset by this person. Making it uncomfortable not only for the members having difficulties but for us having to deal with all the negativity and lies that were done by this person by making members feel unsafe and attacked.

After many attempts asking him to stop and it not working a decision had to be made to remove Him so members could feel safe and comfortable again with their friends. He then began making false statements some through messages and many videos. He began using Proxies or VPNs to rejoin. He always used VPNs, Proxies, or some server he made up. He always had a Reason to Hide who he was the whole time he was here. He still wanted to rejoin after all he had done with the videos, bashing the site with all untruths, and threatening members...

In cases like this with Proxies/VPNs, We can not stop the drama or protect members by not knowing if they have other pages to cause drama or do harm to Boomers and its members. We also had an issue with a member using a proxy to send out links to all Boomer Members to call out someone who was using fake pictures as themself pulled from the internet and this will also help to stop members from making fake pages.

I feel if someone has to come into your peaceful community like MyBoomerPlace and hide who they are, they are not here for the right reasons. We are about Peace, transparency, and trust. We are a Safe Place to be with Good Friends. There's already too much negativity in the world today and we are going to make changes to ensure a much safer place to keep those out with bad intentions and make this a more enjoyable and Fun Place to be at MyBoomerPlace.

With that all said MyBoomerPlace had to make a change in our Terms & Conditions that there will be "No Proxies/VPNs" of any kind will be allowed on the site. This will protect those who feel unsafe from situations like this and it will help make MyBoomerPlace a safer site than many sites out there, while making it a more enjoyable place for all of us to enjoy our Friends.

We are already enforcing this with new members joining Boomers In Terms & Conditions Now. "No Proxies or VPNs"

If you are using a Proxy/VPN Now, Please In order to keep all members safe from being attacked we are restricting the use of Proxies/VPNs by all members at Boomers. You must now sign into your Boomer page without using Proxies/VPNs . Thank You!

If you have any questions please Contact,


We are updating the Graphic and Nude Policy
MyBoomerPlace Graphic and Nudity Policy

We encourage all users to submit at least one profile image so members can easily recognize and relate to one another. By accessing MyBoomerPlace.com or the "Site" and submitting any and all images to be uploaded, you agree to the following terms and conditions for submission of your images:

1. Any image containing pornography,nudity, sexually explicit images, violent or offensive material, or any copyrighted image (unless you own the copyright) is not permitted. If you violate these terms your account will be deleted. Repeated violations will result in a permanent ban.
2. Any images containing what is described in part 1 are not allowed. If you violate these terms your account may be deleted. Repeated violations will result in a permanent ban.

3. Images of celebrities and cartoon or comic images are generally copyrighted by the owner. By uploading a file, you certify that you have the right to distribute this picture and that it does not violate the Terms of Service. For security and privacy reasons, any image that contains personally identifiable information such as name, phone number, email address or website URL is not permitted. Uploading images of other people without their permission is prohibited. If you violate these terms your account will be deleted.

4. You are solely responsible for the Content that you publish or display (hereinafter, "post") on the Service or any material or information that you transmit to other Members. c. By posting any Content to the public areas of the Website, you hereby grant to MyBoomerPlace.com the non-exclusive, fully paid, worldwide license to use, publicly perform, publicly display, modify, and translate such Content on the Website. This license will terminate at the time you remove such Content from the Website.

5. Violators of this Image Submission Policy will receive an infraction notice and a loss of activity points. If the offense is repeated My Boomer Place.com reserves the right to remove the said image. If you continue to violate these terms your account will be deleted.

This image submission policy applies to all My Boomer Place.com users. My Boomer Place.com reserves the right to review all images and to remove any image for any reason at our discretion. You understand and agree that MyBoomerPlace.com may review and delete any content, messages, text, files, images, MyBoomerPlace.com Messenger messages, photos, videos, sounds, profiles, works of authorship, or any other materials (collectively, "Content") that in the sole judgment of MyBoomerPlace.com violate this Agreement.

If you see an image on MyBoomerPlace.com that you believe does not conform to this policy, send the link to Admin or Staff or GetSmart (Moderator).

What happens if a member breaks the above terms:

When nudity is found in your comments, on your Background, or in the gallery, these will be deleted. The following actions are now in force and we ask for your cooperation.

1) You will receive a notice from us and this will be considered your first warning. We may delete your account depending on the content and if sent out as comments to remove images Quickly? If the comment was bad and went to all friends in comment Sender we may have to delete your page to remove them fast unless you can one by one in the comment sent area?

2) If any member continues after the first warning, If you receive a second warning and we shall reserve the right to ban or remove your page as that may happen first just to remove the comments that were posted.

Please contact us with any questions regarding this Agreement.


01/25/21 Should we disallow Video's in comments?

This is a Warning for infringement of our Boomer Guidelines regarding Nudity including see through and Art on this site. You will only receive 2 warnings before your account may be locked for a week, deleted and or banned.You agreed to these Terms & Conditions When You joined MyBoomerPlace.

Please be advised we Do Not allow Nudity, Nudity in Art ,sexually explicit or porn on this site and ask our Boomer Family to stay within the Guidelines. We have sponsors who do not allow this type of posting therefore we must follow their lead.

“Any photographs of people displaying fully nude genitalia or buttocks,Tush or fully nude female breast,Or see through. sexually explicit Or Porn will Not Be Allowed,”Nude backgrounds on pages which can be viewed even at Private pages are not allowed.

Just as Facebook, Photobucket, Instagram, and other sites have the same regulations so must Boomer.

Please work with us and read the following links for further information.



What is butt and buttocks?
Your butt is your buttocks, your tush, your rear end.

Subject: Important Notice About Image Rules!

MyBoomerPlace has asked members to please abide by the Rules of Nudity including see through. Art and Porn or sexually explicit posted on this site and in the Terms of Use when you signed up! It seems some feel it's ok to continue even after given Warnings?

We have been sent many complaints on pictures being sent in private messages to members who are not wanting them.

Time has come to take stronger actions against those who feel that violating the terms of use at Boomers is accepted and put a Stop to it.

We will NO longer be giving 3rd Warnings. If you do not Stop after the second warning you Can receive a lock out for a short period/Or Could be Removed from Boomers and a possible Ban on "all your pages" if you decide not to comply with the guidelines that we all must make.

Again, Here are the Rules, Please Read & make your Choice!


We hope You decide to stay.

Thank You,


New Blog Rules for MyBoomerPlace

The New Blog rule on Boomers is a Blog has to be something "You" have Written or Written about.

Because of the Lack of space to place a blog We ask Blogs Including.
Jokes,Poems, Religious ,Prayers ,Political , Greetings, Medical, News, recipes.Psychology ,Questions, Comments, No links ,polls. greetings ,pictures or Videos should all go in there proper place like a "bulletin", a Group, comments.Forum , News, or Video section not placed in a blog or status. Please place Poems in the groups section, we have limited space in the blog section and need to ask different topics to be placed in different area's

Blogs which are negative of Boomer members or could be interrupted as against a member will be removed.
Because of the small area for posting blogs. please limit the amount of Blogs you post as showing to 2.

The rules say there will be NO WARNINGS before "Non-Blogs" are deleted

Thank You

NEW Rules for Posting Videos in Comments

You may have noticed the site going down at times and rebooting. It has been a problem and we have been trying to find out why for a while now?

We have found out that posting Videos in the Comments and placing to many in sections on pages.Please limit the amount placed in sections to 3.This Overload is causing a very large server load on the server/site and has been causing the site to crash and that is not a good thing.

We would like to ask you to not post videos in the comment section and the Best place for Now, is to post them in the Bulletin's as we do more testing!

GetSmart is not a member here but works for the site and is my programmer for the site. He is the only one besides me allowed in the Admin panel to make changes, send warnings for pictures that do not follow guidelines. He also helps me to keep the site clean of spammers, scammers, harassments, and drama.

Please Note, the Staff and Greeters have no more access to the site than all the members have. They volunteer their time to make boomers a better place and I'm grateful for their help and the best payment to them is simple Respect as they are all great people and a huge help to all of us.

Later after we move to a bigger and better server we may be able to try again with simple guidelines that will help to not crash the site while sending videos.

Thank You,

An Update to MyBoomerPlace.com Terms of Use Policy will go into effect with this Post

We are adding Design Layout Page CSS Code Rules to are Terms of use Policy to enforce people to respect other's codes and Graphics from members and designers and to not take/steal and modify codes from members and developers and call there own without permission.
All beginner layout designers do not place layouts in Boomer Layout Group they need to be places in
Image Design Layouts & Tags

Also, we are updating the Nude and Graphic policy and it is enforced as well below.

Thank You

Boomer Design Layout Page CSS Code Rules

Two use a designer's CSS code for layout pages permission is to be granted first and not altered in any way. No one is to take another's CSS Code, Background or Header from any Boomer Members page without asking permission from members first. No one is allowed to use others or parts of other's code and claim as your own.
1. If this happens you will be warned first and it will be removed.
2. A Second warning you could be removed from the site.
Please Respect all Members at MyBoomerPlace.com

Important Update

We are experiencing an overload on the site at times when members find pages spinning and at times when the site goes down. We have been working to find the cause and a solution So the members can enjoy the site without the slow down or a crash. We have found the overload was caused by Comments being sent with a heavyHigh MB, MegaBytes in pictures. Also when they go through the Auto Mass comment sender it overloads the server.
We will be sending this message out to all whose Comments have that
high load size in their comment pictures and asking them to follow new guidelines to help the site run better.

Please understand and work with us,

A limit of under and up to one MB, MegaByte in size and to not exceed 1 MB. One Comment sent, Also, we need to limit the number of pictures included in your comments to Two when using MB's pictures and Not send more comments to make up for it when using megabytes.

In your latest comment the one picture had ___ Megabytes in the one comment

By asking This it will help the issues and allow all members to enjoy the site more,

We ask you to please work with us.

This does not apply when using Pictures that are killobytes. They are not affecting the site.

Thank You Moderator Don

GetSmart has 6 friend(s)

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