Listen for the background music in life, so you know what's happening...=)
Female 80 years old southwest Arkansas, Arkansas United States Profile Views: 1969
    [ 24633 ]
07/28/2011 18:49:53 |
The last movie I saw was the Bucket List.. that's a great movie. Also saw the Bee movie, but not so good.
I'm not into blood and guts, or horror movies unless it's on Turner Classics/the 40's or before.
I enjoy those.. =) I watch for them at Halloween ...Booo!
Everything on Turner Classics is good.
Naturally love chick flicks, and Free Willie with a box of tissues..
I listen to the radio mostly, on a rock station cause I am in today, not yesterday. I like hip hop, and todays rock. There wasn't anything wrong with yesterdays rock, but that was yesterday wasn't it...
I do love big band music. I guess from my parents era, huh.. all those long late night car trips to the U.P. from southern Mich.
Love classical too, and that's probably from cartoons, since back then it was the background music in cartoons... oh and don't forget the blues. Love the blues...makes me feel very romantic.
Not too big on country tho, unless it's Willie.
I like to go dancing to good ole rock and roll. Took forever for me to learn the country two step, which is what the clubs around here play. Ack...
I go to the library every week. All kinds of good books, and they don't clutter up the house when you are done reading them. I do have some favorites here at home tho.
Clan of the Cave Bear series, some self help books, Jonothan Livingston seagull and more of Richard Bach's. The Anne Rice vampire books..loved them!!!!
I'm just a reader... I can even read horror books, cause there isn't any background music to scare me and when I get to the scarey parts I can turn the page...ha,ha,ha,,,
Well, I can't say keeping my place up is a hobby, but it does take most of my time, especially in the summer..yard work, yard work, yard work.. =)
I love to sit on the deck with a cold drink but it's best to do it at night so I can't see anything that needs to be done..ha,ha,ha...
I have done wood cutouts to put in the yard for the holidays and really enjoyed drawing, cutting and painting those.
None, since I'm on dial up they are too slow to enjoy. Same with downloading music.. ack...=(
I wish I could get high speed cause there is alot of videos/music that I'd like to enjoy..
I'm just a Michigan girl transplanted in Arkansas.
Born and raised in Michigan, my four daughters were born there also. I've lived in the Cassopolis/Edwardsburg area most of the time, but did live in the U.P. for awhile as a teen and in Jackson as a young mother. My mother was born and raised in the U.P. and I still have family there, along with family in lower Michigan.
About 30 years ago transplanted to AR, and now all my grands are little southern babies...
I work in a factory and been there 29 years now.
I have a little place in the country. Use to have alot of yard birds, but not any more. Had pigmy goats too. Love goats. Would love to have more goats, geese and guinees.. The only animals that I have now are barn cats, a house cat and a small dog.
11/1/08: So looking at my gallery, who's cuter, me or the dragon..ha,ha,ha...
3/09 Here is a picture of my little dog, Sazz, or as we often call her, Spazz..ha,ha,ha..
My daughter/son in law got her for me,without first I wasn't too happy, cause it's like having a two year old.. but now I love her .. she is the best toy I have.
If I do take off for the weekend I let them babysit her, since it was their great idea anyhow..=)
I'm not a little blue hair'd lady with her dog in the car...mind you, blue hair would be cool (think Easter egg blue,or shocking Pink!! wow, I could get into this) but the dog, no way,... ha,ha,ha...
5/09 It's almost crawfish time..! Eat dem crawfish,drink some beer, tap your foot to da Cajan music... good times... =)
10/09 Wow,where has the summer gone..? I've put up a picture of the goose that I got this summer. He thinks he is a dog, and I don't let him know different.. ha,ha,ha..
Music, happy smiles, happy people.
Laughter..hokie jokes..the silly side of life.
Seeing God's handiwork in the world, the big and the small..
You live,you laugh,you love,you learn,
You scream,you cry,you crash,you burn.
Lies of any form...
but I did read somewhere that they are good in poker and story telling..they can be very entertaining.. ha,ha,ha..
Rude and crude people.