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"Blessed are they who have the gift of making friends, for it is one of God's best gifts. It involves many things, but above all, the power of going out of one's self, and appreciating whatever is noble and loving in another." Helen Keller

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72 years old
Puget Sound, Washington
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"My Very Special Friends Indeed"

copyright © 2008....RaeDi

I have come a long way in this span of my life

A lone Spirit for some of my travels

Some of the way, it brought some strife

But the best of this journey

I strolled along and kept the same stride

Some of my goings from place to place laid out flat and far

At other times, it seems to be greater up hill

The steep ascents brought some regrets

As I look back, I accept

My own choosing was my own downfalls

Acquired lessons well learned in each and all

Wisdom and age has brought my way

Intensification, growth, and immense appreciation

For the friends I have made along my passageway

In them, I have found that right combination

Blended are love, kindness, caring and laughter

Amalgamation of everything I could want

I take with me to the end of my trail

To you each of my friends you brought into being

I am what I am because of each one of my friends

Completeness, my totality, my earnest

Deep appreciation from each one of you

My dearest special friends

Each note, each mention, and precious remark you instilled

Were unfathomable, sincere and heartfelt

Each measure of all your gratitude’s

Imparted to me will be

Cherished and valued, I will leave each of these

Deeply ~ seated in an innate part of my heart

Where my spirit dwells is where you each will be

Each and everyone very dear to me

You are all “Special Friends” indeed…

My Favorite Color: All the colors in the rainbow. Top of
the list is white. I have flowers of all colors, but my favorite is my
flower garden of all white flowers from ground cover to my
Hydrangea Tee Trees and Rose-of-Sharon trees. When the
moon is full they glow so beautifully. With the fountain garden in
the middle, it is such a feeling of heaven to me.

A Special Friend

I'd like to be the sort of friend that you have been to me;

I'd like to be the help that you've been always glad to be;

I'd like to mean as much to you each minute of the day

As you have meant, old friend of mine, to me along the way.

I'd like to do the big things and the splendid things for you,

To brush the gray from out your skies and leave them only blue;

I'd like to say the kindly things that I so oft have heard,

And feel that I could rouse your soul the way that
mine you've stirred.

I'd like to give you back the joy that you have given me,

Yet that were wishing you a need I hope will never be;

I'd like to make you feel as rich as I, who travel on

Undaunted in the darkest hours with you to lean upon.

I'm wishing at this time that I could but repay

A portion of the gladness that you've strewn along my way;

And could I have one wish, this only would it be:

I'd like to be the sort of friend that you have been to me.

Unknown Author


My Name is ….RaeDi, I Love Life, Smiles, Hugs, and a Good Joke, a Sense
of Humor is One of the things that I Love the Most. I Love Friends that
Care, Share, and are Themselves. Purity of Heart, and of course those
Souls that put Others First. The Lord, His Words, Forgiveness and of
course Angels to all Degrees. Something that gives me Pause to Think.
Learning Something New each day, (With my brain injury, I forget
something more than once, so I am rewarded of learning them repeatedly.)
Friends that do not Mind my Forgetfulness and have Patience with Me.
There are my Hummingbirds, Poetry, Art, and Words of all
kinds. All of Nature ~ everything I can see, The Eagles, Hawks, Owls
and Black Bear, everywhere I look, I will see, and all Birds of the
different Species. Travel, Daydreaming and Long Walks on my
Beach. Being High up on a Mountain and Seeing as Far as I can see.
Sounds of the Ocean Waves that measure all moments of time precisely.
My Whale Sightings, their Flukes, Extending, Towering high above
the water for a deep Dive, and feeling the Mist of Salt
Water from the Blast of their Blowholes carried by the
Winds Breeze. Seeing and Hearing Rivers that run Loud and Long, and
Waterfalls no matter the Scale or Measure. Being Green for
our Planet of Blue, our Earth, Our Home, taking Care of Her, and not being
Wasteful. Sunup’s, Sunsets, and everything in Between and a Night Full
of Stars, a Full Moon that Beams. The Warmth that your body
Feels while in the Sun. All Flowers in an Array of Colors,
Hydrangeas and Gardens with Fountains and Large Flower Pots,
with Plants that Trail to the ground all so you can Enjoy
seeing, and Walk and Roam, and Gardens that are there for
you to Eat. My Gardens of Brick, Tiles, Cobblestone and Slate,
there are all Kinds of Statuary placed just right for
you to see, all with Tables and Chairs and Chaises
for Rest and Watching my Koi and Water Lilies, an array
of Plants and Places for Picnics, everything Place just so,
so I can just Relax with my Friends, Come by Sometime to See.
Fragrance of Phlox David, Roses, Lilies, Casablanca’s, I love Joy Perfume
and the Sweetest of all Smells. Sitting by the Fire, Sips of Port
and La Bon Chocolate after a Wonderful Meal. Gourmet Cooking and
Baking, I Love Company and Entertaining, Arranging Flowers for you to see.
Overstuffed Chairs with an Ottoman to Rest my Feet. Music and
Candles as the only Light in a Room. The Theater and Travels
that take me anywhere, Museums’, Ballet, and my yearly Enchantment of the
Nutcracker. Memories and Wonderment. Hearing Children’s Laughter and the
Unconditional Love of Animals. A Good Book that I cannot put down until
Complete. Whispers, Laughter, Holding Hands, or Arm in Arm and Hugs to all
Degrees. A Child's Hand in mind can bring Tears of Love to Me.
I love saying “I Love You More!” and Meaning it
too. I have a Love of Life and a Love to Laugh from the Center
of my Being. Finding and Experiencing the Meanings in each Minute of each
Day and of each New Year. My Friends, they each Mean a
Great Deal to me. I Love all the Beautiful Graphics, Kind Thoughts, and
Loving Words my Friends have Sent my way. These are a Few of the
Things about Me. Now that I have, (Re) Introduced myself to You, I
hope to see you often, I will try to bring you Smiles, make you feel
Loved, and you will know that I Care, and it is just “Me.”
With Love and Hugs….Just Me

Albert Einstein ~ Your imagination is your preview of life's coming attractions.

Can't never could....My Mom

"Who you become is by what you do for others along the way." Unknown ~ I learned this from my mother, and I passed it down to my children and hope that they remember to live their lives as such and to pass it on to the next generation....RaeDi

The things we truly love stay with us always, locked in our hearts as long as life remains... Josephine Baker

"RudiRue My Grand Baby"

Photo Cube

Displaying 1 out of 1 comments
01/30/2025 20:13:11

This may contain: a collage of photos with autumn leaves and cake on it's side, in front of a wooden background that says happy birthday

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