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mem_gold OFFLINE
74 years old
Summit (Chicago area), Illinois
United States
Profile Views: 6492
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MEMBER SINCE: 08/04/2006
LAST LOGIN: 12/06/2023 18:13:10

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The Hiding Place

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My Big, Fat Greek Wedding

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Swing Kids

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A Beautiful Mind

Live Like You Were Dying-Tim McGraw

Fernando Ortega-Give Me Jesus

Andrea Bocceli

Kenny Rogers' I Can't Unlove You

Me And God by Josh Turner and Ralph Stanley

And just for fun...Especially For You...

classical guitar, violin, harp, swing/big band, contemporary Christian (and some of the great old hymns, especially from the Swedish tradition)

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Marley & Me: Life and Love with the World's Worst Dog

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Where Courage Is Like a Wild Horse

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A Special Kind of Hero: Chris Burke's Own Story

 photo PrincessCover.jpg

Princess: A True Story of Life Behind the Veil in Saudi Arabia

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The Bible

spending time on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SavedByGrace50

collecting frog/bird figurines, etc.

informal collecting of stamps and coins




I can't think of anything I long to do. My life has been full and satisfying and rewarding.

11/15/07 Do you and your family like mince meat pie for the holidays?

I do not come to MyBoomerPlace daily nor do I post image and text comments with any frequency. Please do not feel you need to do so either. If you'd like to actually communicate with me on a personal basis, to get to know each other as friends do, please send me a private message and I'll be happy to respond.


Life is not what was or what may be; Life is now! Don't waste today waiting for tomorrow to be the fulfillment of your dreams. Tomorrow may never come. Today is a gift! Open it!



When a stone is dropped into a lake,
it quickly disappears from sight-
but its impact leaves behind
a series of ripples that broaden
and reach across the water.
In the same way, the impact of
one life lived for Christ
will leave behind an influence for good
that will reach the lives of
many others.
-Roy Lessin


I am an unconventional woman. I am a "WASP" with a heart that embraces different ethnicities, especially the Hispanic culture (my oldest son's father was Cuban and my first husband and father of my second son and my daughter was Mexican) and those of the Middle East, especially Palestine (my last husband was a Palestinian who lived most of his life outside his homeland through circumstances not under his/his family's control..their land and olive trees are still farmed by relatives within Palestine but he cannot go back; that a people can be in refugee camps WITHIN their own homeland is beyond comprehension and my heart yearns with them for the same right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness we all here in America take so for granted). I learned Spanish in my teen years with the Cuban refugees who came to the Chicago area in the 60's after Castro turned Communist. I embraced their warm culture of love of family, care of children and open hospitality and my heart aches still for their plight. I taught my children Spanish as their first language as a rich part of their heritage. I relearned on the internet the French I studied for four years in high school, talking to many very patient French-speaking people.

But more important, I am a Christian, sinful, imperfect, unworthy...yet forgiven and free, saved by the grace of God because He loves us so much!

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I strive to walk with Him along this journey of life, with His Spirit to guide me, His hand to uphold me, and His love to enfold me in His loving embrace. Through all of this life's joys and trials (and there have been so many of both) He has always been faithful to His promises.


Ephesians 2:8&9-"8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9 not by works, so that no one can boast."

Lamentations 3:22,23-"22 Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. 23 They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness."

Psalm 118:14-"The LORD is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation."


Need Him? Click below...

 photo john_11_25_zpsojfriviu.jpg"


ME Aging



sunny days with white cloud-filled blue skies

God's masterpieces painted across the skies at daybreak and sunset


my dog Sylvi, a rescued Pomeranian, blind and deaf but silky as can be, sitting with me in my recliner

intelligent conversation

a helping hand around the house

hugs and kisses from my grandchildren (I have five)

watching the birds outside

lots of windows

Our days are filled with so many accounts of war and tragedy, I thought the world could use somewhere to go to read some good news for a change, the kind we rarely see reported. I have a site where I only post GOOD NEWS stories I find from time to time. Click GOOD NEWS FOR YOU. I hope your spirits will be lifted.

being ignored


people who cannot tolerate those of other ethnic/cultural origins and feel superior to them

requirements of inflexible punctuality

Displaying 6 out of 6 comments
02/09/2025 17:04:10

01/28/2025 18:08:23


01/23/2025 20:24:21

01/19/2025 17:58:44


01/12/2025 17:46:52


01/07/2025 18:26:14


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