Bonjour mon cher Dom,
hier coupure soudaine d'internet
alors que je postais ici sur boomer,
du coup je reprends mes petits envois ce midi,
j'en profite que cela remarche !
Un rayon de bonne et heureuse humeur
de ma belle Bourgogne chatoyante
en te souhaitant un délicieux week-end.
Des bisous du Coeur
~ I have a lot of respect for people
who can put their ego aside
and say sorry. 'Sorry, I made a
mistake.!My apologies.
I can and will learn from
Hello everyone
I have experienced it
the wrong antibiotics
couldn't go there
against all kinds of misery
received) call them
and it was said only of them
side Stop!!!!!!with it
and was so sick of it
but no sorry
from doctors okay
things are going well slowly.
Lots of Love and hugs❤
and thank you
who are with me
Good health to all
and have a nice Halloween
Stay healthy❤❤
Dayenne Soraya ❤
Always Respect ❤
Be Blessed With Love Life
Happy Creepy Caturday