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Image Hosted by ImageShack.usAbout Mare: Kind Hearted, Dog Loving, Free Spirited NASCAR Nutt.

mem_normal2 OFFLINE
73 years old
Hot Springs, South Dakota
United States
Profile Views: 555
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MEMBER SINCE: 07/30/2006
LAST LOGIN: 04/11/2007 09:42:24

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Too many to list . . . enjoy Westerns, Comedies, Romance, SciFi, Horror, Suspense, .... well, gee, lets just say pretty much everything. Don't like porn.

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

Anything but rap . . .Enjoy Country ~ Oldies ~ New Age ~ Classic Rock & Roll ~ Easy Listening.

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

Not much of a reader of late. Do enjoy Steven King.

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Talking care of my animals ~ Staying alive ~ Watching NASCAR, PC games ~ Poker ~ Shooting Pool ~ Working my pictures in PSP & Animation Shop ~ Collecting pyrite/quatrz pieces and other unusual rock formations ~ Gardening ~ Fishing / Camping. I can also be a great couch potato, LOL.

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I'm an honest, straight forward, laid back, caring person. I love being owned by my 2 Pekingese dogs and I adore them. I also have my 2 cats. I have no children, so these are my kids and spoiled accordenly. I'm a huge NASCAR nutt & have been since the 60's. Doesn't take much to amuse me, as I enjoy a lot of simple things and I have a wicked sense of humor. Really like making new friends and getting to know people. I also enjoy fishing/camping and just being in the beautiful outdoors. Like Western & South Western things.
I was diagnosed with end stage renal failure in March of 2006, so go to dialysis 3 X's a week to stay around. So far so good. So I have a real appreciation of every day I wake up and get to enjoy all it has to offer. Hate the new diet, but if it gives those kidney's a break . . so be it.
So I'm not really looking for or need a man to complet me as I'm pretty happy with who I am, do very well on my own and have a full plate right now. I never say never and am always opened to friendships.
Look forward to meeting & getting to know you here.

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics
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Being around water ~ The beauty of the great outdoors ~ Honest / Sincere people ~ Humor ~ Animal Lovers ~ Kindness ~ Sparkling Eyes ~ Good Attitude ~ Ability to laugh at yourself ~ Anything to do with the old West.

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

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myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

Liars ~ Bullshitters ~ Animal abuse of any kind ~ Child abuse of any kind ~ Rude or insentive people ~ Dumb drivers ~ Badly prepared food ~ Sushi ~ Rage ~ Whiners ~ Jealousy.
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