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Former Bad Boy, turned good samaritan

mem_normal2 OFFLINE
71 years old
United States
Profile Views: 879
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MEMBER SINCE: 09/21/2006
LAST LOGIN: 08/26/2009 02:18:47

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Ghost, The Patriot, Mad Max, The Ring, Superhero movies, Comedy

The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Neil Young, Cat Stevens, Dream Theater (newfound favorite), Pink Floyd, most classic rock, just starting to like some country.

Not much time to read, magazines, newspapers, when I have the chance true stories.

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glitter graphics and online music video code Shack this!

Motorcycles, Performing music, Computing, Bicycling, Cooking

RockYou FunNote - Get Your Own

Hi, and thanks for stopping by my page. I'm single, 6'0 tall, 190 lbs., hazel eyes, live in upstate NY in a fairly small town (50,000 or so)called Elmira. I'm into motorcycles, guitars, bicycles, computers and everything electronic. I have 2 grown children, a son in the Navy and a daughter who is still trying to find her way in life. I recently moved my mom (who has alzheimer's) into assisted living in Salt Lake City to be closer to my brother who is a doctor, and who between him and his family will hopefully be able to spend a bit more time with her in her twilight years than I can on my own. I did take care of her finances etc.. for the last 2 years, but have been working too much to spend the time with her that her condition now demands. Anything else you want to know, just ask. I'm open and honest to a fault. I'm also on myspace, just copy and paste this to your browser to go to my profile there. http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=93984432

My favorite quote reflects my strategy in life:
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream." Samuel Clemens

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Honesty(#1), Neatness, Individualism, Spontaneous, Touching, Eyes, Butts (not cigarette), Talent(musical or artistic), Boldness, Good dancer

These are pics from my mom's life, including me and my brother, and other family and friends. She is in latter stages of Alzheimer's and doesn't remember any of these, but as long as I'm alive, her memory lives on.

Procrastination, Laziness, Fake Boobs, Bitchyness, Smoking, Falling down drunks, Constantly filthy mouth

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