I'm married to a wonderful man who is a retired Marine of 21 years of service and together we have 5 children, 3 boys and 2 girls who are the light of my life along with my 4 grandchildren.
I was born in North Dakota, both my parents were born and raised in North Dakota, although I didn't live there long enough to remember it I didn't live there long enough too, we moved when I was a year old. I have lived in South Dakota, Virginia, Arkansas, Texas, California, North Carolina, Georgia, and New York State where I currently reside, I have lived here 12 years which is longer then I have ever lived anywhere else so I guess this is home and it's not a bad place to call home, the state is beautiful, we live in a small community which is something I really enjoy, I don't care for the big cities. I love animals, especially dogs which we have two right now a Dalmation and a Schipperke.
I work at a battery factory in Newark, NY and have been there for 11 years now, it's exciting to see what new batteries they come up with, I used to be a part of that but new management took over and I'm now just a production worker which is really boring but it's a paycheck.