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mem_normal2 OFFLINE
72 years old
Yakima, Washington
United States
Profile Views: 1800
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MEMBER SINCE: 05/28/2006
LAST LOGIN: 10/12/2014 15:27:22

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Comedy, Romance, Drama and true life experiences.I enjoy a very wide variety.

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I enjoy most music with exceptions of Opera, Punk Rock or Show Tunes. My XM stays tuned to Nashville Country most the time while in the car its The Oldies.

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I'm not an avid reader unless its on the Internet.
But I love to create beautiful art work using JASC Paint Shop Pro. I make a lot of the "tubes" I use in creating and will share with anyone that asks. I also want to send out a HUGE THANK YOU to the creators of all the beautiful art work I am displaying on this site. Some are very dear friends and close to my heart and others I only know by their wonderful talents. I appreciate you all! Many, Many ... Hugzz!~V

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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I enjoy meeting new people. I'm disabled and spend a lot of time on the computer creating graphic for fun. I enjoy spending time with my family and traveling with my husband.

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

I'm a transplanted funloving Texan having been born there, raised in Oregon and have resided in Yakima, Washington for 36 years now. I'm married to a long haul truck driver for 11 years now and love to travel with him when possible. Have 2 wonderful daughters and 2 beautiful grandchildren. Before becoming disabled in 2001 I was an In Home Nurse and worked primarily with Alzheimer's Patients. I enjoy creating graphics on the computer, dining out and visiting with good friends, watching a good movie and meeting new people.
I've learned a lot over the years and the best message I can give to my women friends is :

One of the saddest things in a Woman's life...
Is to believe the child within her is gone forever...
She is only playing hide and seek...

Intelligent, caring people that are sincere.

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Things that go bump in the night. People that think they are superior and feel as if they are "owed" in life.

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