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mem_normal2 OFFLINE
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Displaying 8 out of 28 comments
04/09/2024 08:29:24
Que o dia de hoje esteja trazendo o novo, a mudança eo grande vôo! What today is bringing new, change and great flight. Que o agora seja vibrante em nossos corações sem projeções futuras, sem memórias passadas. Now that is vibrant in our hearts without future projections without past memories. Vamos experimentar o abandono dos pesos , vamos tentar ser como o pássaro que canta lá fora nesse exato momento, ser como a árvore que faz a sombra amena, como o sol que reflete vida a cada segundo ...Let's try the abandonment of the weights, we try to be like the bird that sings out there right now, be like the tree that is pleasant shade, as the sun reflecting life every second .. Sintonizar o nosso eu nesse instante que está chegando, porque ele revela a única existência verdadeira e respira cheio de possibilidades reais. Tune our self then that is coming, because it reveals the true existence and breathes full of real possibilities. O instante de agora traz nele a mais pura semente germinável, aquela que é capaz de transformar todos os nossos conceitos condicionados . The instant it now brings the purest seed germinável, one that is capable of transforming all our concepts conditioned. Sentir o contato, o toque suave desse dia, fechar nossos olhos e tentar absorver o agora o entendendo como o grande presente da energia, percebendo a grandiosidade que nos é oferecida quando abrimos realmente os braços para recebê-lo sem tensões, sem as interferências da mente, sem os pensamentos que o anulam.



04/02/2024 19:57:24

Le soleil s'est levé the sunrise will be soon ya tant de fleurs à cueillir there are so many flowers to pick, tant de choses à contempler so many things to contemplate tant de joie à découvrir so much joy to discover tant de voix à écouter many voices to listen tant de sourires à offrir so many smiles to offer et tant d'amour à donner and so much love to give tant de bonheur à vivre much happiness to live. Bonne journée en ce mercredi good day Wednesday. 


romance (6)


03/30/2024 13:17:07

Une fleur originaire du Japon. A flower native to Japan. Le lys est la fleur de plus souvent associée à Pâques et à l'arriveé du printemps. The lily is the flower most often associated with Easter and the arrival of spring. C'est aussi un symbole de pureté de de sainteté. It is also a symbol of purity of holiness. Une vieille légende nous apprend que quand Jésus passait, toutes les plantes et les animaux de la terre s'inclinaient la tête en signe de respect. An old legend tells us that when Jesus passed by, all the plants and animals of the earth bowed their head in respect. Sauf le lys, trop orgeuilleux qui se pensait beaucoup trop beau. Except lily, too orgeuilleux that thought too beautiful. Mais quand il vit J'ésus sur la croix, le lys courba la tête pour la première fois. But when he saw Jesus on the cross, lily bowed its head for the first time. Et on dit que depuis ce jour, le lys a toujours la tête inclinée en guise de respect éternel. And they say that since that day, the lily has always bowed its head as a undying respect.


03/28/2024 09:04:28
Le refrain sera ensoleillé the chorus will be sunny sur de belles notes par moi imaginées du fond de mon coeur je l'écrirais from the bottom of my heart I write sur une partition dorée je te l'offrirai  a golden partition I offer it pour que mon passage reste gravé for my passage remains etched dans ton coeur et dans ta vie!!! in your heart and in your life! Bisous bon jeudi  Thursday kisses good ...


lSOLITUDE ongines-ingeborga-dapkunaite-




03/27/2024 20:35:05
Fx den dejlige fuglesang, som jeg lytter til lige nu, mens jeg skriver, I hear beautiful bird songs that I am listening to right now on this lovely Wednesday evening. Lyden af fugle skaber kontakt til min følelse af indre glæde. The sound of birds make contact with my sense of inner joy. Jeg elsker bl.a. I love solsortesang, den løfter mig og gør mig  these blackbird songs of melody, it lifts me and makes me happy. Den rører ved mit hjerte, og jeg er taknemmelig for denne smukke gave, som fuglene giver os. It touches my heart and I am grateful for this beautiful gift that the birds give us. En af de mange gratis glæder som lige nu er uden for vores bolig. One of the many free delights that are currently outside of my house. Hvis vi så også hænger frøkugler op, kan vi opleve at få besøg af fuglene tæt ved os, og det at observere disse fugle kan både begejstre os og hjælpe os til at være til stede i nuet og giver os følelsen af nærvær, ro og glæde. If we also look out the window, we can see and get the birds close to us, and to observe these birds can both inspire us and help us to be present in the moment and gives us a sense of presence, peace and joy ...







03/26/2024 18:21:03

Good evening my dear friend 
Je t'envoie un sourire. I am sending you a smile.
Un geste la tendresse. A gesture of tenderness.
Une qualité la douceur. Quality sweetness.
Un mot amitié. A friendly word.
Un espoir la santé. A health hope.
Un rêve le bonheur. A dream happiness.
Et douce soirée dans la joie. And balmy evening in joy.
Avec de la bonne humeur. With good humor.
Une pluie de bisous ton ami a rain of kisses
Et un très bon week end and a very good Easter week...


03/25/2024 14:53:26

butterflies 112

LVE is like a butterfly – the more you chase it, the further it flies away from your hands.
Still, if you let it go, it will most possibly fly around and will touch you the least expected moment.

Don’t contemplate on it and don’t try to find it – LVE will find you when the time is right. And don’t forget –LVE is only special when you give it to someone worthy to receive it.


butterflies 83

03/24/2024 22:00:51
Un beau jour s'annoce encore one day is still annoce le soleil vient de ce lever quelle beauté the sun has set this up what beauty au-dessus de mon lac d'amour..... above your lake  .....une joie de vivre ici cela apaise ..... a joy to live here it soothes .....cela ne donne plus envie de rentrer... this gives more desire to return ... je te souhaite une bonne journée tendres baisers  I hope you have a very nice Monday with best wishes for a wonderful week...


lake 14

lake 11

lake 12

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