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mem_normal2 OFFLINE
67 years old
San Francisco, California
United States
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MEMBER SINCE: 02/25/2011
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LAST LOGIN: 03/27/2013 13:40:47

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Garden fairies come at dawn,

Bless the flowers then

they're gone.

~Author Unknown~

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When the winds of March
are wakening the crocuses and crickets,

Did you ever find a fairy

near some budding little thickets,...

And when she sees you creeping up

to get a closer peek

She tumbles through the daffodils,

a playing hide and seek.

~Marjorie Barrows~

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My greatest hobbie is being in the garden, I adore it there. It is like a Romantic novel to me..I can dream of all the beautiful things and fantasize how to fix it...I often sit and gaze of what I mite do..I love to watch the birds...my other hobbies, are Crocheting drawing and collecting Antique Items. This is a picture of my Roses that I have at Mom's house..and her statue..(I love it)
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Pretty soon it will be time to plant my garden, I have planted some pansy's and snap dragons so far, and one tiny rose....
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"Soul-mates are people who bring out the best in you.

They are not perfect but are always perfect for you."

~Author Unknown ~

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Displaying 7 out of 7 comments
03/03/2025 13:56:17

A Tiny Home. Just imagine how anyone would design it in side.

I hope you have a wonderful Monday. 

03/02/2025 13:09:21

Happy March. Cannot wait till spring. Sick of being so cold. Need to see less snow and see a lot of Beautiful flowers and Bees. Take care and hang in there. God Bless you. :-)

02/28/2025 18:33:30

02/13/2025 12:15:21

01/22/2025 14:56:31

01/22/2025 14:56:09

01/15/2025 14:42:02

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