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mem_normal2 OFFLINE
70 years old
United States
Profile Views: 694
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MEMBER SINCE: 11/26/2010
STAR SIGN: Aquarius
LAST LOGIN: 02/22/2013 10:01:59

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I enjoy most movies, as my health keeps me housebound at times. Love the old black and white movies, "chick flicks" (anything that tugs at my heart), action, and even some horror movies.

Again, my taste in music is very eclectic. From the "oldies", top 40, new age. My favorites: Cenine Dion, Joe Cocker, Aretha Franklin, Faith Hill, ... I usually love the soundtracks to movies.

I'm an avid reader and love the feel of books and their illustrations. Whether it be a children's book, or novel, or a series of books. *I am trying to come into the age of technology, and have been thinking about buying a kindle for 2 years. But my beloved books (and I have shelves and shelves of them) ... I can't bear to part with.

I consider myself a feminist (though not radical). I think women should be given more credit for all they contribute. I was raised Catholic, but believe in many of the wiccan and native american ways of worship. I've been married to the same man for 40 years. Travelled extensively because of his military career. We adopted 6 children later in life, with 2 teens still in high school. We've retired down to Florida & enjoy the slow lifestyle and the parks.

Have always been interested in helping abused & neglected children (since I was one myself). Believe we all have an obligation to give back to our family, friends, community, and the world in general. I get along with most personalities, though I tend to either be the silly or sarcastic one. I'm a loyal and devoted friend, and treasure when I find that in someone else.

Abusers of any kind (but especially someone who hurts children & animals). Braggards, who tell the world how much they have ... while walking past a person who has not eaten in a week. Wishy washy people who don't take a stand for what is right or wrong.

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