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09/25/2024 22:06:09

09/25/2024 21:42:59

09/25/2024 19:37:21

This contains an image of: Orange Lemonade

have a nice evening, hope u all enjoyed your summer, love the fall xX

09/25/2024 18:16:12

 Hello Steve,


 Hope that your day was good. Wishing you a nice evening ~ Hugs

09/25/2024 17:57:40

Evening my friend  weather is chilly low 60's., expecting rain tonight into tomorrow.

hope you had a better day and night.

hugs june

09/25/2024 17:31:23

Well i have been so busy taking care of covid family 

members, got my shot 3 days before all the illness and i must

say i got congested and tired and it was no where near with 

what i was worried about! We are getting ready for the storms!

Anyway hope things have been good for you! Take care and please 

enjoy the rest of your day/evening!

It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to 

see the light.

~ Aristotle Onassis ~

09/25/2024 17:24:52

Have a Nice Day. JeNNa

09/25/2024 16:15:59

09/25/2024 15:47:38

glass, bottles, space and wine

luxury, kitchen, winery and modern

Sparkly Sequin Lapel Collar Cropped Blazer Two Piece Mini Dress - Silver


09/25/2024 15:39:34

09/25/2024 15:03:38

[quote="Beatleboy"] Ce qui me rappelle quelque chose c'est l'époque où j'étais encore une enfant et que je ne voulais pas manger, en cachette je prenais les aliments de mon assiette pour les mettre dans une poche et aller les jeter dans le jardin après le repas, j'aurai fais n'importe quoi pour ne pas manger ce qui me déplaisait.

09/25/2024 13:40:14


  Have nice mid week

09/25/2024 13:39:46


  Have nice mid week

09/25/2024 12:42:43

A cold windy 72, with the wind, makes it fell a chilly 40*. Gray clouds,  light rain off and on . I'll be inside all day for sure.

" All things are naked  and opened unto his eyes"

Hebrews 4: 13


Bless be

09/25/2024 12:37:33

09/25/2024 12:34:24

Have a blessed mid-week day!


09/25/2024 12:21:27

09/25/2024 11:49:09


"Az életben az a legnagyobb boldogság, ha biztosan tudjuk, hogy szeretnek minket."

Victor Hugo





Szia kedves Barátom! Az éjszakai záporokat délutánra napsütés váltotta fel. Kellemes volt a levegő. Lassan újra beesteledik, szaladnak a napok. Vigyázz magadra. További kellemes időtöltést, szép estét kívánok. Ölelésem, Éva


09/25/2024 11:44:16

The smell of the cut grass especially after the rain brings back all those memories.  Funny the way smells can do that.  Perfume can bring me back to special times too especially the perfume Mum used to wear.

09/25/2024 11:42:06

09/25/2024 11:41:05

09/25/2024 11:29:24

Have a great day!

09/25/2024 11:07:28

..Happy Wednesday my friends..


09/25/2024 10:50:04

“The easiest thing to be in the world is you. 

The most difficult thing to be 

is what other people want you to be. 

Don't let them put you in that position.” 

~ Leo Buscaglia ~

09/25/2024 10:47:48

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