Thankfully the snow is disappearing now but it has been raining all day. Still cold out but not nearly as bad as it has been. Hope everyone is having a nice cosy weekend.
Napsütéses de hűvös, szeles idő van felénk. Most hétvégére nem terveztünk programot. Vigyázz magadra, töltsd kellemesen a mai napot és a vasárnapot!
Vidám, boldog hétvégét! Ölelésem, Éva
"Az ember sosem szűnik meg álmodni. (...) Létezésünk során számtalanszor előfordul, hogy álmaink viharosak, és vágyaink beteljesületlenek, de szükségünk van rá, hogy tovább álmodjunk, különben meghal a lelkünk.
went to the bank., to file report to get my money that was stolen from a bank employee not just me., he took 50,000.,of mine bought a house, cars ,trips etc but they caught him ., now its court time., so i wait for my money, got my new glasses but i don't see well with them will be going back.
then went for coffee., and after went and bought me a sandwich for dinner.,,
hope your day was better., see you in the morning.