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02/20/2025 18:10:39

my adopted wolf lunabeleMay be an image of dog and text that says 'elle'

02/20/2025 18:02:57

beauty and her brotherNo photo description available.

02/20/2025 10:44:03

"Happy is the person who knows what to 

remember of the past, what to enjoy in the 

present, and what to plan for in the future."  


~ Arnold H. Glasgow ~

02/20/2025 06:41:34

         LV. Barb XXOO 


02/19/2025 20:46:23

        Sweet dreams, LV B. XXOO 


02/19/2025 11:57:03

Wet Wednesday...

02/19/2025 10:58:12

  Wishinng you a beautiful day, LV B. XXOO 


02/19/2025 09:55:07

You may say I'm a dreamer, 

but I'm not the only one. 

I hope someday you'll join us 

and the world will be as one.

~ John Lennon ~

02/19/2025 09:24:02


Wednesday thoughts of you. Taking time to play the tunes that remind me of you. Have a great hump day my friend.  Jazzsinger

02/19/2025 07:12:16

It's hump day! Kind of warm this morning but tomorrow it turns 

winter again! I really dislike the one day hot the next day cold! I got 

my RSV shot yesterday! I am covered for any type of lung sickness and 

the flew! Hope your midweek will be good to you! Take Care share the 

Smiles! Sending you Smiles and Hugs Always!   

You know, I've got wrinkles on my forehead and smile lines, but 

what's wrong with that? I love to smile.

~ Jennifer Aniston ~

02/18/2025 22:59:12

02/18/2025 21:47:31

         LV Barb  XXOO 


02/18/2025 20:13:25

The world can be tough sometimes

Feel hugged❤

"I will always be around to let you 

know that you are a BIG DILL!"; 

and more.

02/18/2025 16:18:29

Got another vister at my door he looks beautiful i think he is my beauty brother  some cats  are my neighbor cats  near me, beauty comes to visit us  we  feed her then she goes home, i guess she brings her family with her.No photo description available.

02/18/2025 15:22:03

Tuesday tats...

02/18/2025 14:42:19

Tuesday greetings 

This may contain: a painting of a woman with white flowers on her head and eyes closed to the side

This may contain: a painting of a woman wearing a hat and holding flowers

This may contain: there is a small box that has flowers and figurines in it on the table

This may contain: a single red rose on a black background

02/18/2025 11:51:33

Each of us feels that we are just a drop in the ocean, 

but the ocean would be less without that missing drop.

~ Mother Teresa ~

02/18/2025 09:10:11

heykeepliving:/pp“Evening light./pphttps://www.instagram.com/p/Cj3gZtcvH5Q6EtEn6yjUQlqIgG7e9BprQMvLA40/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=/pp”

Well it is 8 degrees here this morning and snowing.  Snow not expected to end until tomorrow.  So just thinking of a warm place to spend the day. Have a great Tuesday.  Jazzsinger

02/18/2025 08:01:05

Brrrrrrr cold start this morning hope this cold weather 

is on everyone looks like by the news! If your living up north 

i have said prayers for the weather not be so bad! New week fresh 

start and we are back in the taxi! Hope this finds you happy with 

your world and sharing Smiles to all! Mine is better than last week 

as the daughter sounds better and seems ready to keep fighting the 

fight, that made my start of the week much eaiser! I am very tired 

of crying! Take Care and sending you Smiles and Hugs Always! 

The greatest self is a peaceful smile, that always sees 

the world smiling back.

~ Bryant H. McGill ~

02/18/2025 07:41:10

        LV. Barb XXOO 


02/17/2025 22:09:58

Since this weekend well last Thursday or Friday i 

have been busy with my oldest daughter, I hope you understand 

why i have not been online or saying hello. I really am lucky 

to have Friends that think enough to say hello when i am not 

here! My daughter is so tough and she is fighting very hard 

to live! I have prayer's from my friends and i believe in the 

power of prayer! Just wanted to let you know what's up and 

hope you have a great week! Take care and share those Smiles! 

Smiles and Hugs to you my friend!   

The friend in my adversity I shall always cherish most. 

I can better trust those who helped to relieve the gloom of my 

dark hours than those who are so ready to enjoy with me the 

sunshine of my prosperity.

~ Ulysses S. Grant ~

02/17/2025 20:20:51


Click On Song❤

02/17/2025 19:46:55

Sweet dreaming when you get there:)

I hope you had a nice day^_~

02/17/2025 19:22:54

      LV. Barb XXOO 


02/17/2025 11:41:54

“If you have the chance to make people happy, 

just do it. 

Sometimes people are struggling silently. 

Maybe, your act of kindness can make their day.”

~ Unknown ~

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