This is for the ones who are struggling right now. This is for the ones who have been having a rough day or week or even year. The ones who feel like this storm will never end.
Keep fighting for you. Not for your friends, not for your family, but for you.
Keep fighting because deep down you hold a tiny voice that knows you were meant for far more than this sadness and pain you are feeling. Keep fighting because the person you will be on the other side of all this is cheering for you so much. Keep fighting because you will get there. And it will be worth it.
Happy Caturday but today is Saturday! And it is more about my dogs, AGAIN! It is also about our BEAUTIFUL sunshine in Texas.
It is also the first day of March! Can you believe it???
I couldn't resist taking this of Carly and her shadow. Carly has been with us since 2018. As I sat in the rocking chair on the patio for over 2 hours on Friday with the warm sunshine on me too.
Reba came out to join us all as she strolled the backyard to make sure we were all safe. Reba has been with us since 2013. All our dogs are rescued.
J Lo was napping in the sun and guarding the doggie door so no one could get past her without the password. J Lo has been with us since 2014.
The password was to call her name! She is really a cutie patootie! Next adventure in pictures from Friday later today, I hope, from our over an hour on FaceTime with my daughter, Wendy.
I hope you have signs of March and Spring around you and are enjoying them. Blessings & Hugs! Pam