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05/20/2024 17:20:11

a washed out day,have a good week xX

05/20/2024 17:08:54

05/20/2024 16:25:07

I hope when you read my message you are well and happy...we have had a very rough weather and a tornado 4 miles from my house..it was very scary but fortunally we didnt have any damage...I wont be back till next week my friend...Im going on vacay with my sweetheart for my birthday and the holiday....so please have a fun Memorail Day weekend :) 

Love and hugs my friend


05/20/2024 16:23:01

05/20/2024 16:01:42
05/20/2024 15:43:35

" When thou liest down, thou shall not be afraid:  yea, thou sleep shall be Sweet"

Proverbs 3: 24

" Nite . Nite, to yea "

In the Potters hand

05/20/2024 15:58:59

Evening  nice day in the 70's  tomorrow they say 80

such a messed up day., my phone said not paid., called and metro said they don't take amer, exp.  so gave them another card. and called amer exp.  and they paid metro., it's such a mess ., so now am paying twice.

i called and they do ., will have to call the other card to cancel.

then had to go to the bank because there doing away with safety desposit boxes, so empty it out.

hope your having a better day than me.,  the banks all mixed up.   see you  tomorrow,

05/20/2024 15:53:22

05/20/2024 15:28:11

Sorry I don't visit profiles

but Boomer walks very slowly.






When you fall asleep,think of me

as if I was there,holding you tight.

May every dream that visits you,

carries my hugs, warm and soothing.

05/20/2024 15:07:26

Buonasera, Luna. Sono appena tornato da questo lungo weekend.Sto rispondendo alle tue email.Merci. Domani torna al lavoro. Sei in pensione? Ti auguro una buona settimana. In Francia è pioggia e inondazioni.  Bises Joseph44.IMG-8736-DL

05/20/2024 15:07:17

Wishing you a great afternooneveninight!...kisses....and 9 pm (Argentina time) you may join me on www.elsrbivachi.com.ar, today MANAL, Argentine blues band in Spanish...stay tuned...

05/20/2024 15:07:00

Now I’m really hungry for spaghetti, you?

05/20/2024 15:01:34





05/20/2024 14:54:48

05/20/2024 14:47:28

05/20/2024 14:02:03

Have a beautiful day LoveBug!

05/20/2024 14:00:26

The trouble with experience is that it is always 

teaching you things you don't want to know.

~ Unknown ~

05/20/2024 13:49:38

A peaceful afternoon/evening to you. Blessed Be...xxo

99,000+ Evening Sky Pictures

05/20/2024 13:38:00

05/20/2024 13:15:07

None of us, including me, ever do great things. 

But we can all do small things, with great love, 

and together we can do something wonderful.

~ Mother Teresa ~

05/20/2024 13:08:40

youpiiii ! ...j'arrive enfin a être assis à la table des adultes 

Have a nice day / evening .

Much love and big hugs .


Bonne journée / soirée.

gros bisous et câlins.


05/20/2024 12:58:24

“How wonderful to be understood,

and never have to explain.”

~ V.C. Andrews

Good evening my dear and

happy new week to you.

Think positive!...Hugs and kisses


05/20/2024 12:55:05


05/20/2024 12:53:29

Have a fun day my friend!

05/20/2024 12:40:51

05/20/2024 12:28:17

Have a nice day /evening.

Share a smile and some love everywhere you go.

big hugs.


Bonne journee / soirée.

Arbore un sourire et un peu d'amour, où

que tu ailles .

gros câlins.


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