Good Night My Dear Friend Sorry I'm Late,Hope Your Last Weekend Of Feburary Is Full Of Precious Moments In Your Happy Place,With Your Love Ones I Will Try And Come Back Next Weekend... Always With Love, Silver Dreams~
gooegd eveing my dear friends hope you had a good day, yesterday when i got home from my better days club about 2 hours later i had such cramps in my right leg, i mustve pull a leg musel when i doing zumba , zumba dancing was at 10 or around there, at 11 am we had bingo then 12 we had lunch then another activity before we go home , so i cant figure that hours later i had leg pain i still have a little not as bad last night didnt had to much sleep couldnt get comforable. today i didnt get dressed i stayed in my nightgown. have a good night hugs xxxxxxx000; to all, love mary
TGIF....Hope everything is going well....We have had some Spring weather...Hope your staying safe and warm.....Enjoy your weekend.....Hugs Lorribelle54
Got another vister at my door he looks beautiful i think he is my beauty brother some cats are my neighbor cats near me, beauty comes to visit us we feed her then she goes home, i guess she brings her family with her.
Good morning wow lasy night i thought our moble home was going fly away like wizard of oz, earlyer my cat beauty keep on trying to stay in the house we let her stay untile the rain stop i had to tell her she has to go home, she lives down the street from us, we sharing her, today is windy everything is blowing away wizard of oz again. oh well. have a good day dont blow away. love ya all.
good night its only 7 pm my daughter susan again outside shaveling snow 4 th time, we have snow almost every week or so, dont know about anyone else iam ready for spring,hope everyone had a good valenntine day, valentine feb,14 1977 48 years ago my daughter susan was 2 years old we moved in this moble home park. wow how time flys, at my club we had a valentine party had a DJ, did alot of dancing, a update on our friend Rob i receved a letter rob is retirement he is getting better ill keep you posted, i send him a card praying, thank god. keep warm, tomrrow suppose to rain, god bless you all, love mary
Raking up lifeless brown stalks in the frost ~ filled
garden, I can't help but see images of marigolds, hot~ yellow peppers, and jade~ green zucchini;
I smile, knowing that spring will soon be here.
Do not look at how difficult the road ahead looks ~
How high the pitch of the mountain, how hot the desert sun, how distant the place of rest. You can not see every part of the path, and unseen gifts are ahead along the way .Believe.
If you're facing difficulties right now and feel like giving up, you're not alone. Life can be overwhelming, and when you're in the middle of tough times, it can seem impossible to find a way forward. In moments like these, a piece of literature like Edgar A. Guest's poem, "Don't Quit," can offer exactly the encouragement you need. This poem speaks directly to those who are struggling, reminding you that even in the darkest moments, resilience and persistence are key. The message is clear: no matter how tough things seem, you're closer to overcoming the challenge than you might realize.
Reading "Don't Quit" is like receiving advice from someone who's walked the path before. Guest's words are simple but profound, offering reassurance that setbacks and failures are part of life's process. It will remind you that enduring hard times often leads to personal growth and that the strength you find in not giving up can shape your future in ways you can’t yet see. If you’re searching for something to help you through the struggle, this poem is a powerful reminder that perseverance often leads to success, and sometimes, all it takes is the decision to keep going.
Don't Quit
by Edgar Albert Guest
When things go wrong, as they sometimes will, when the road you're trudging seems all uphill, when the funds are low and the debts are high, and you want to smile but you have to sigh, when care is pressing you down a bit - rest if you must, but don't you quit. Life is queer with its twists and turns. As everyone of us sometimes learns. And many a fellow turns about when he might have won had he stuck it out. Don't give up though the pace seems slow - you may succeed with another blow. Often the goal is nearer than it seems to a faint and faltering man; Often the struggler has given up when he might have captured the victor's cup; and he learned too late when the night came down, how close he was to the golden crown. Success is failure turned inside out - the silver tint of the clouds of doubt, and when you never can tell how close you are, it may be near when it seems afar; so stick to the fight when you're hardest hit - it's when things seem worst, you must not quit.
Stay Strong Soar like a Eagle Keep Going Love and Blessings