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02/11/2025 07:41:36

For my drive this morning i ran into that drizzle, you 

know the kind that you don't turn on the wipers but heavy enough 

to hit the wiper switch every so often. My 15 yr old grandson 

say's granny don't you have delay wipers? I just wanted to pop him 

for making me feel like a nut! Bwahahahahaha kids you gotta Love 

them! Hope you have a wonderful day! Take Care and share those 

Smiles! Sending you Smiles and Hugs Always!   

Because of your smile, you make life more beautiful.

~ Thich Nhat Hanh ~

02/11/2025 07:03:52

02/11/2025 05:46:05

Wishing you an awesome day....Bike ride? To take photos?... Your choice...Hug & Kisses...

02/11/2025 03:56:36





Happy Tuesday my dear Friend! Hugs ♥ Andra ✖✗✘ ♥

02/11/2025 03:12:06

Hikaye Pini görüntüsü

02/11/2025 02:22:37

02/11/2025 00:04:27

Hello Sweetness!

“It’s not gonna be easy. It’s going to be really hard. We’re gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, every day. You and me….every day.”      -- Unknown --

For You My Love!

02/10/2025 23:55:54

Hello Sweetness!

When we get to the end ofour lives together, the house we had, the cars we drove,the things we processed won’t matter. What will matter is that I had you, and you had me.”         -- Unknown --

Happy Valetine's Day!

02/10/2025 17:05:03

Hello Maryline have a Great Week Hugs & Kisses xo...

02/10/2025 16:08:13

02/10/2025 15:39:04

Valentine love...
from my heart to yours!

02/10/2025 14:11:17

Hello Lovers ♥️yes
am still
far from home
but that's for
de Count no reason♥️
Very nice
week ♥️hope
everything healthy ♥️in
life many
Netherlands ♥️not
so at home
Lots of love♥️
and see you soon
Kisses♥️XoXO ♥️
Dayenne Soraya ♥️

02/10/2025 12:04:59

Never let success 

get to your head, 

and never let failure 

get to your heart.

~ Unknown ~

02/10/2025 11:55:13

Coucou Maryline,

J'ai encore beaucoup de retard dans mes réponses, mais je vais bien je te remercie, j'ai eu des invités et j'ai été voir mon arrière petits-fils... (oups je ne me souviens pas si je t'en ai parlé?) alhzeimer me guette!... 

J'espère que toi tu vas bien... 

Je te souhaite une très belle soirée et je t'envoie des gros bisous ...

02/10/2025 10:39:56

Waiting for the next snow storm to hit us Wed thru thursday 

5-8 inches of snow is expected.

The only ones that are Happy is the energy companies

02/10/2025 10:04:10

02/10/2025 08:42:44

Kedves Barátom!

Ismét eltelt egy hétvége. Remélem élményekkel teli volt? Nálunk napsütéses az idő, de éjszakára erősen lehűl a levegő. Vigyázz magadra.

Szeretettel teli, eredményes új hetet kívánok számodra. Ölelésem, Éva








"Semmi sem szebb és semmi sem hasznosabb az ember egész mulandó életében, mint a könyvek olvasása.''

Miron Costin


02/10/2025 08:16:11

Wow i was late starting my day an almost made my 

grandson late for school. I fell asleep sitting up right! 

never done that before! Anyway hope you have a better start 

to your day! Take Care and keep Smiling! Sending you Smiles 

and Hugs Always!

Smile, it is the key that fits the lock of everybody's 


~ Anthony J. D'Angelo ~

02/10/2025 08:01:53





Wishing you a beautiful week ahead, my dear Friend! Love Andra ✖✗✘♥

02/10/2025 07:45:57

Hello friend!

Wishing you a great day and a wonderful week.

Good health for you and yours!

Sweet Greetings bring sunshine,

like beautiful Souls.


This may contain: a cup of coffee with the words good morning monday written on it in cursive writing

Story pin image

Story pin image

This may contain: a wooden crate filled with pink roses on top of a table

02/10/2025 07:43:58

02/10/2025 07:34:49

good morning Maryline..i hope you have a great Monday 






02/10/2025 07:25:51

wishing you a fantastic brand new week...kisses...and this evening at 9 pm (Argentina time) Eric Clapton´s story on elsrbivachi.com.ar...stay tuned...

02/10/2025 07:09:51

Bonjour Maryline 

Merci pour les bisous "sortis du four" (mdr)

Une nouvelle semaine commence, que la vie passe vite,

déjà presque un mois et demi de passer depuis le début de 

l'année, c'est affolant.

Cet après midi, le soleil est arrivé, on va pouvoir 

enfin en profitant.

Passe une très belle semaine profite bien de ta journée.

Gros bisous 


02/10/2025 06:39:12

Bonjour. Maryline,

Bon lundi et bonne nouvelle semaine, profitez de chaque rayon de soleil.

Comme une occasion de briller.

Amitié, bisous.


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