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02/07/2025 06:14:26

02/07/2025 06:04:51

Hello Sweetness!

Every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss, contains its own seed, its own lesson on how to improve your performance the next time.        --- Og Mandino ---

Morning Sweet Friend....I hope you have an awesome Friday and an
amazing weekend! Stay Safe, Stay Well, Stay Beautiful and Humble querido
amigo/amiga. Con mucho amor y respeto tu amiga que nunca se olvida de
ti Janet.

02/07/2025 04:13:40

Hello, one more day, they fly by, like the

birds, sometimes I would like to be one and be able to

fly through the sky, and see things you don’t see, on

the earth, a loved one, who goes to heaven,

and tell a beautiful poem, the birds fly,

at their perch I don’t have to go with my feet

on the ground, to be able to walk, one more day and wait

for a new day, look at the nights, at the stars,

and be able to be one of them, and see how they

illuminate you, and shine, your new day, may it be

illuminated, like your friendship, good Friday,

full of joy, and happiness, the

sad days, throw them out and the beautiful days,

always stay with them, kisses Maria

02/06/2025 20:41:21


02/06/2025 17:44:35

02/06/2025 15:44:20

Hello Dear friends♥️
from Boomer Place♥️
I'm busy now
with the dogs♥️
to trim ♥️wash
and clipping nails
ETC♥️yes the work
continues lovingly ♥️
lots of hugs ♥️
and stay healthy♥️
take good care of me
am not yet
the old one but yes
you get used to everything♥️
hugs and
always with Respect ♥️
Dayenne ♥️
Bye Bye ♥️

02/06/2025 13:02:00

sending you much love


02/06/2025 11:49:06

“We can never judge the lives of others, because each 

person knows only their own pain and renunciation. 

It's one thing to feel that you are on the right path, 

but it's another to think that yours is the only path.” 

~ Paulo Coelho ~

02/06/2025 10:39:20
☀Dear Boomer Friend (♥ˆ◡ˆ)
☀No matter Who You Are
☀Where You From
☀If You Have a Kind Heart
☀Just Remember
☀You Are the most
☀Beautiful Person in this
☀Love ♥ From My Heart..
❉(◕‿◕✿ Mary ღ Shereya ☆

02/06/2025 09:19:33

02/06/2025 09:07:24

It takes imagination to create & to build-none needed to destroy & to ruin.
May your Thursday soar! 

02/06/2025 07:30:39

Hello we are starting out the day with a very nice 59, 

coffee on the porch morning! I am fighting some ants that think 

they are going to have a house right at my front porch but that's 

isn't happening! I will get rid of them! All this spring time 

weather they say we are going to cool back down next week! I am 

kind of game on that one! Have a great day/evening and we will 

send you Smiles and Hugs!

Share your smile with the world. It's a symbol of friendship 

and peace.

~ Christie Brinkley ~

02/06/2025 07:02:54

good morning..may you have a wonderful tranquil day..hugs 






02/06/2025 04:38:59

Romantic Song

This may contain: a woman sitting on top of a bed wearing white pants and a cropped shirt

Romantic Song

This may contain: a cup of cappuccino on a saucer with white flowers in the background

02/06/2025 03:46:38

smile and be happy

much love


02/06/2025 02:31:33

Hello, friend, good start to this Thursday

I wish you a GOOD DAY, that you have the best

time. If life doesn't smile at you, tickle it. Life 

is like a mirror that will smile at you if you smile.

 The happiest people are not those who   

  have the most, they are those settle for less 

 than life gives us If you know how to share

 joy and happinessamong the people around  

 you most of them will return that joy

that you wish for with a smile on their face

kisses, take care, Maria 

02/05/2025 19:59:42

carousel image 0

Niite Nite, Sweet Dreams xo

02/05/2025 14:53:41

Chaque nuit est une
nouvelle opportunité de rêver

Fais de beaux rêves et
réalise-les demain

Laisse les étoiles guider
tes rêves vers des horizons nouveaux

Bonne nuit mon ami(e) et
surtout prends soin de toi

 Câlins /Tendresse de Pimprenelle

== ++==++==

Every night is a new opportunity to dream

Have sweet dreams and make them come true tomorrow

Let the stars guide your dreams to new horizons

Good night my friend and above all take care of yourself

Hugs /Tenderness from Pimprenelle

02/05/2025 13:21:23

I Wish You A Lovely Wednesday

02/05/2025 11:49:44

02/05/2025 11:21:50

Today is nice not hot anyway. I will have some outside 

job to do today! I have some ants so gotta kill them! I will 

have to ask google! I love google it explains everything i ask!

Hope your having a good day! My foster brothers visit was really 

fun! We sending you Smiles and Hugs Alwaysget along good and we 

laugh a a lot! Take care share the Smiles!

Nothing you wear is more important than your smile.

~ Connie Stevens ~

02/05/2025 10:31:19

pink, building, flowers and city

This may contain: a man and woman holding hands in a field full of flowers

carousel image 0


02/05/2025 10:22:14

It's amazing how one word 

from the right person can turn 

your whole day around and 

make you feel better in a second!

~ Unknown ~

02/05/2025 09:00:05

❁ཻུ۪۪♡Blessed Morning with Love❁ཻུ۪۪♡

Hug's Smiles

02/05/2025 08:41:58

Honey Beauty

house, tumblr, beautiful and colours

carousel image 0

Valentine Delion Demo

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