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06/26/2024 18:16:49

Good afternoon hope your day is going your way! At 

this moment it is pouring outside! We need the rain bad an 

looks like God knows because the forecast is rain all week! 

I am keeping inside as much as possible todays feels like 

is 106! Well that's all i got! Take care and share the Smiles!

Sending you Smiles and Hugs Always! 

A smile is the light in your window that tells others 

that there is a caring, sharing person inside.

~ Denis Waitley ~

06/26/2024 11:28:52

Life is a drama, 

and you only have two options: 

being the audience or being the actor.

~ Wilson Kanadi ~

06/26/2024 10:21:59

Weird Wednesday...

06/26/2024 08:19:33

*     *     *     *     *

...just stopping by to say hello and hope you're finding cool and fun ways to enjoy this day...! company has arrived safely and now the fun begins...will be popping in soon again, my friend...stay well and keep smiling! 

*     *     *     *     *

06/25/2024 20:59:24

Tuesday love...

06/25/2024 16:23:00

Evening hope your having a great Tuesday

was a very humid day tomorrow the same.

going tomorrow for eye surgery they called this morning to confirm.

8.45 am   so i wont be on., just went for coffee today

and met the  ladies., have a good night.

Hugs June

06/25/2024 13:40:02

Words can only have an effect on you 

if you choose to listen to them.

~ Unknown ~ 

06/24/2024 20:48:41

06/24/2024 15:54:44

Monday love...lol

06/24/2024 15:39:04

Evening.Weather nice., 80's

my eye surgery was canceled until wednesday 8.45 AM

so went for coffee were i was up so early., then bought a sandwich for dinner., and a meal for my son.  he'll be by tonight.

hope you had a good start to a new week.,,  have a good night, 


06/24/2024 13:28:17

Sorry for the absence, the computer broke

and they fixed it for me on the weekend.

The weak can never forgive. 

Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.

~ Gandhi ~

06/24/2024 11:11:19

Hello my friend. i hope your day is going your way!

Sending you Smiles and Hugs, and wish you all the happiness 

in the world today! Share the Smiles! Smiles and Hugs as usual!

A smile is the light in your window that tells others 

that there is a caring, sharing person inside.

~ Denis Waitley ~

06/23/2024 18:41:06

Evening stormy day., saying tornado warning

off and off rain and windy., just went for tea  and the stop and shop. bought fruit.

hope your having a good day,   Tomorrow i wont be on going for eye surgery on the right eye this time., 8.30AM., will be a couple hour surgery.

have a good night 

06/23/2024 14:01:25


06/23/2024 11:29:02

Sunday love...

06/22/2024 17:49:13

Evening., been raining off and on all day

I stayed in., just watch TV., hopefully tomorrow i'll go for coffee and the stop and shop

have a goodnight see you tomorrow.

06/22/2024 09:03:59

*     *     *     *     *

*     *     *     *     *

...we're all talking about the heat...'good grief, it's HOT'...but in a few months we'll be commenting...'eeek, I'm freezing'..!!!  it's what we do so in the meantime let's find a way to just enjoy this day, darlin!

*     *     *     *     *

*     *     *     *     *

...company coming soon and staying for a while so I'll be popping in when I can..stay safe and always 'be cool'...love and peaceful vibes coming your way!

06/21/2024 20:34:37

I just wanted to say hope you had a nice day, 

May it lead you to a great weekend! Take Care and keep 

Smiling! Sending you Smiles and Hugs Alway's

Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever 

come to you without leaving happier.

~ Mother Teresa ~

06/21/2024 20:23:10

Friday night love...

06/21/2024 18:39:01

Evening  finally internet  is back., took him 4  hours  had to replace the system

out side and inside., mine was old 15 years., glad to have it back.,  wasted my day., but after he left I had 30 minutes to get to the bank, then walgreen;s for my med's  and bought me a dinner to take home., 

the weather was in the 80's but now it's  raining., hope you had a better day than me.

06/21/2024 15:52:30

i love this, have a beautiful  weekend lve mary

06/20/2024 17:18:21

I tell you i have been off all week, I thought yesterday was 

Sunday? Ever do that? Well one good thing it will be a fast week for 

the weekend Bwahahahahaha! Well long talk with our oldest daughter an 

she is still going through hell! She is 46 and having to use a cane to 

get around but stay's in bed mostly! She is getting her stomach every 

week (painful). She just trying to make it to the donor list! It will 

be a while! Anyone going through a transplant has a lot to do just to 

get on the list and her body is fighting her all the way! I keep praying 

but sometimes i wondering if he hears them! Well hope you have been 

having a good week! Smiles and Hugs to you!   

Wrinkles will only go where the smiles have been.

~ Jimmy Buffett ~

06/20/2024 11:53:36

SunshineSalty LipsBeach HairBalmy NightsSun -Kissed SkinFloaty DressesPainted ToenailsLong Summer Days

06/19/2024 09:08:58

Hot Wednesday...

06/19/2024 09:04:26

.....1..2..3...4...and  still counting! wishing you an excellent day, my amazing friend!...sending you positive vibes and lots of love 

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