Good nite cher Orphée...(So hot here)...Sweet dreams...Kisses...
Hope your day has been filled with smiles!
A true friend is a not like the rain
that pours and goes, their more like the air;
sometimes keeping quiet, but always there..
~ Unknown ~
*˜”*°• Good Morning *˜”*°•
*˜”*°•Wishing you a Beautiful & Relaxing Day!˜”*°•
*˜”*°• Much Love *˜”*°•
.•*˜ .•°*”˜.•°*”˜”*°•.˜”* °•. .•*˜ .•°*”˜.•°*”˜”*°•.˜”*
Bonjour ma douce amie Linette.
J'espère que tu passeras une bonne journée.
Remplie d'amour.
Et de gratitude, vis-le pleinement.
Bisous câlins.
Hello sweet Friend , hugssss, M.
"Perhaps there is something worse than vanished dreams...Losing the will to dream again."Sigmund Freud
Perhaps there is something worse than vanished dreams....
Losing the will to dream again.
Sigmund Freud
yellow rose for yellow theme,,,,,
Coucou JocelyneEncore une belle journée qui sent bon le printemps