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01/29/2025 05:55:58

Good morning,I wish you a great Wednesday and hump day..Love and kisses ! smiley-wink.gif

01/29/2025 05:14:57


Good Wednesday Morning!  It is time for coffee to help us warm up.  


You can also bake gingerbread men to warm up the kitchen like my friend, Julie, in Lubbock.  


Do you have blue skies?  Even if it is cold, maybe it is a good day to get out.  


Do you like to ice skate?  Just look at the colors the sun can make in cold weather!  God is quite the artist.  


Is winter a good time to travel, that is if you don't mind the cold?  A train trip to see the scenery is always a fun time.  


So whether you are a homebody that loves to cook or someone who likes being out in the cold weather, have a fun day!  Blessings & Hugs!  


01/29/2025 04:22:57

💙 Good morning 

have a wonderful Wednesday 💙

01/29/2025 03:56:41

Hikaye Pini görüntüsü

01/29/2025 03:09:19

01/29/2025 02:57:03

Dear Friend, Please read my comments . They seem important , may be it will be important to You .Nice Wednesday , Hugs,Mabel



Preferisco ballare sola
al centro della mia solitudine
piuttosto che nell'angolo
della vita di qualcuno.

G. Carcasi


01/29/2025 02:32:43

Hello, even if you're not having a perfect day,

I can always make you smile. Have a happy

 Wednesday.Smiles cost less than electricity

and they give more light. Smile more and life

will give you back with more.Light around you.

 There's no better medicine than having happy thoughts.

I'm going to blow away all those gray clouds.

So that you have a nice day, I give you my heart.

Take good care of it because you're inside. I send you

 hugs.maria take care----------

01/29/2025 02:06:49

01/29/2025 00:49:41


Hello Sweetness!

Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore them.Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.                 ---- Steve Jobs ----

Morning Dear Friend....Hope this week has been good to you so far.The
cold weather is letting up a bit here in NYC, it just hasen't snowed
like other years and can't play out in the snow with my grandkids like I
have in other years...oh well. Stay Safe, Stay Well, Stay Beautiful and
Humble mi querido amiga/amigo.Con mucho carino y respeto, tu amiga que
nunca se olvida de ti Janet.

01/29/2025 00:30:32


01/29/2025 00:10:46


  Hello Sweetness!









01/29/2025 00:00:49

Hello Sweetness!

01/28/2025 22:07:23

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01/28/2025 20:59:49

                 LV. Barb XXOO 


01/28/2025 19:55:45

01/28/2025 19:00:42

Goodnight and sweet dream !come si come sa)

01/28/2025 18:27:17

May good fortune be yours!

01/28/2025 17:54:22


01/28/2025 15:48:53

The beauty

HAVE A LOVELY EVENING.................

01/28/2025 14:33:45

Afternoon, very chilly day expecting  snow  tonight into tomorrow.  got my car checked out were its been so cold'no charge.,  next week i need to get a inspection sticker,  hope your having a great Tuesday..

went to stop and shop ., and coffee,  see you tomorrow.

01/28/2025 14:10:59

Wishing you a beautiful evening. Blessed Be..*Hugs* & *Love*

Winter Night Pictures | Download Free ...
Peaceful dreams..

01/28/2025 13:26:49

This little message of tenderness
to wish you
a beautiful, gentle night
As the song says
we couldn't live without tenderness
So tenderly, I wish you the most tender of nights
Sweet dreams
and above all, take care of yourself, my friend
== Hugs / Tenderness from Pimprenelle ==


Ce petit message de tendresse
pour te souhaiter de passer
une belle et douce nuit
Comme le dit la chanson
on ne pourrait pas vivre sans tendresse
Alors tendrement,je te souhaite de passer la plus tendre des nuits Fais de très beaux rêves et surtout prend soin de toi mon Ami /e== Câlins / Tendresse de Pimprenelle ==

01/28/2025 13:07:23

*Winter Love*

01/28/2025 12:51:26

01/28/2025 12:25:50

Wishing you a wonderful day!

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