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02/11/2025 23:55:25

02/11/2025 23:30:02

Hello Sweetness!

If I could give you one thing in life, I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes, only then would you realize how special you are to me.               ---Unknown ---

Happy Valintines Day!

02/11/2025 23:22:44

02/11/2025 23:22:26

G ood morning sweet Lady Barbara and heartily greetings to You

Full view

02/11/2025 22:13:54

02/11/2025 21:27:59

Good night barb

02/11/2025 21:21:22


Gentle Spring Background with Beautiful Flowers | Premium AI-generated image

02/11/2025 19:54:07

02/11/2025 19:51:44

When I was a young boy I remember my first crush taking her time 

deciding who she liked better between me, and my best friend Colby.

When Valentine's Day rolled around, I won her heart with chocolates 

and a GIANT teddy bear courtesy of my grandma Denise:) 

Happy Love Week Barb:)xoxo xoxoxo

R.i.p,. Grandma Denise❤ 

02/11/2025 19:19:10


02/11/2025 17:23:54

La rose est espoir dans un
monde en peine

Elle célèbre la paix et

Ses fragrances divines
apaisent nos âmes sereines

Et illuminent nos vies d'une
douce mélodie

= = = 🖤 = = =

La rose messagère céleste

Porte en son cœur la promesse
d'un amour éternel

Elle enchante nos rêves et
dans le silence céleste

Nous laisse entrevoir un monde
où tout est merveille

 = = Pimprenelle = =

 The rose is hope in a world in

It celebrates peace and

Its divine fragrances soothe
our serene souls

And illuminate our lives with
a sweet melody

= = = 🖤 = = =

The heavenly rose messenger

Carry in your heart the
promise of eternal love

She enchants our dreams and in
the heavenly silence

Let us glimpse a world where
everything is wonder 

= = Pimprenelle = =

02/11/2025 16:28:25

Evening., not a bad day.,  went to the bank to do some finacial business

then coffee.,  came home planning on going upstairs early didn't sleep well last night.

couple hours.

hope your having a good day

Hugs  June

02/11/2025 15:28:24

 Love is a song....
that never ends!

02/11/2025 15:02:14

*Love and Kisses*

02/11/2025 14:39:22

02/11/2025 13:47:43

Boca (6)

Boca (6)

02/11/2025 12:10:13

Friendship is not about who you’ve known the longest, it’s about who came and never left your side.” – Good morning.my friend. :)  Sending Smiles and hugs your way.  Grace


Story pin image

02/11/2025 11:00:30

isn't it cute ?

I love it 
!! ( smile )

I send you lots of kisses across the miles

Have a suoer night, dear friend


02/11/2025 10:58:09

...have a good day sweet :-)


02/11/2025 10:49:46


02/11/2025 10:15:54
Good Morning barb

02/11/2025 09:54:30

Sometimes, GOOD people make BAD choices.

But it doesn't mean they're bad. . . 

It means they're humans.

~ Unknown ~

02/11/2025 09:46:40

02/11/2025 09:09:59

Words of Wisdom ...


02/11/2025 08:12:45

hello and
good morning..may your day bring you much happiness..hugs xoxo 






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