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02/27/2025 07:46:28

Hello, friend, another day, may your Thursday 

be as special as you are. I wish you the best. 

 It's not that I forget, I can't resist greeting 

you every day it's my custom. I love the serenity

 of certain hours,while I drink a delicious coffee 

 and clear my head every morning I feel better

 and I leave you my best wishes to start a new day

with energy and that you smile one more day

and forever is the best medicine

a smile on your face lights up your day

may today you have new surprises that life

gives us, may each day illuminate you and you be happier

you be happier than the last. I send you big 

hugs,take care of them, I will do the same

take care of yourself, Maria

02/27/2025 07:11:14

02/27/2025 05:26:47

This may contain: a woman standing in front of a large ball with stars on it's back
This may contain: a painting of a fairy holding a wand in her hand with the words good night on it

02/27/2025 05:22:18

Good Morning my Cherished Friend,

Hope you're doing well having lovely times.

Sending You Bunches of Love & Peace...


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27 idées de Beaux espaces en 2025 | déco maison, déco bohémienne, décoration maison

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Flower Power Summer Sticker by Shabby Tiger Jewelry - Find & Share on GIPHY

02/27/2025 02:54:04

02/27/2025 02:28:50

02/27/2025 02:14:56






Good morning and happy Thursday, my dear Friend! ✖✗✘♥

02/27/2025 01:39:05

Unexpected things happen . My husband is ill with a new virus , spreading here in Lithuania . Take care , sweet Friend! I am full with work , hugs , Mabel


02/26/2025 21:22:27

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02/26/2025 19:51:22

Enjoy your Thursday haney.

Much Love ♥

02/26/2025 16:16:06

Evening  my friend was another nice day  50

but at night drops in the teens..     went to lunch with a good friend today..   hope your having  a good day.

see you in the morning.  hugs\

02/26/2025 16:13:49

Enjoy your day my friend, Love and kisses!!!!

02/26/2025 15:43:08

Enjoy your day!

02/26/2025 15:06:44

*Happy Mid-Week HoneyBun*

02/26/2025 14:50:54

02/26/2025 14:40:10

 Helllo Babs,

 I hope that your day is going well. Have a nice afternoon. Hugs

02/26/2025 10:44:42

Gemaakt met #!

Half way to the Weekend! 

02/26/2025 07:33:23

Hello, may your Wednesday be as special as

your friendship, Friendship is a flurry of luminous

fish, and it drags you towards a happy ocean of

butterflies that fly, I wish I could fly

Friendship is like a rose that blooms in your

garden Your laughter is music on the horizon, and God

illuminates you Your friendship is a river Tomorrow I will return and I will see you another day, with a

star that shines on you and may your smile

be brighter every day and your face

be more luminous I send you strong hugs

Maria Take care

02/26/2025 06:27:15






-♡✿⇝ Hello ⇝✿♡-
May this Wednesday be as sweet as a hug….
Sparkling as a burst of laughter.
Enjoy the simple little things that life puts within your reach.
Delicious day.
Kisses and hugs.

02/26/2025 05:34:56

Hello Sweetness!


Morning Sweet Friend....I hope today Wednesday is good to you, just a
few more day s and than relaxation time!I hope that the rest of the week
is not so hard on you.Stay Safe, Stay Well, Stay Beautiful n Humble mi
querido amigo/amiga.Con mucho amore y respeto tu amiga que nunca se
olvida de ti Janet.

02/26/2025 05:14:44

Hello Sweetness!

02/26/2025 05:04:20

Hello Sweetness!

02/26/2025 02:41:04

Hello my sweet Friend ! Have a wonderful day with Love and good Vibes , Hugs , Mabel  "In every woman there is a Queen.Speak to the Queen and the Queen will answer"----Norwegian proverb.


02/26/2025 02:34:06

02/26/2025 02:28:50

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