It rained on and off most of the night and we ended up with 9/10" which was awesome and no standing water anywhere today.
Then we ran errands for about 4 hours. We got toys for the Samaritan Purse Box, groceries, Costco, gas and other things done. Now I am playing catch up and visiting you!
En raison d'une coupure
de courant demain matin dans ma ville entre 9 h et 12 h je serai dans
l'impossibilité de vous écrire comme tous les matins et vous donne
rendez vous à partir de jeudi au même horaire. Bonne soirée et à jeudi.
With a tender friendship, I spend with velvet with words everyday ... a passage among you in order to give you a little thought, a little message ..... I let my flight a soft starry dust to wish you a pleasant Tuesday.