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01/17/2025 06:11:11

Hello, may your Friday and weekend begin well,

with a shower of blessings, live

each day with beautiful dreams, a smile

is a gift, sadness brings wrinkles and

bad moods, while you find what you are looking for,

be happy, with what you have, life gives us

a new day so that we can fill it with

joy, happiness, love, and health, fly as

high as your dreams take you, I leave you

a million kisses and friendship,maria take care.......

01/17/2025 02:38:20

01/16/2025 23:58:25

Hello Sweetness!

“Every car has a story to tell, and those who love them can hear it.”          --- Unknown ---

Morning Sweet Friend....Friday and the weekend is finally here...good
lord! Wishing you the best of the best for Friday and this weekend, do
whatever makes you happy.Stay Safe, Stay Well, Stay Beautiful n Humble
mi querido amigo/amiga.Con mucho amor y respeto, tu amiga que nunca se
olvida de ti Janet.

01/16/2025 23:39:38

Hello Sweetness!

“I love the sound of a car’s engine, like a symphony of pistons and gears singing in harmony.”         ---  Daniel Saint ---

01/16/2025 23:33:18

Hello Sweetness!

      “I don’t like race cars that are purely mechanical. I want a 
car that has its own life, its own heart, and soul.”     ---– Bernd 
Rosemeyer ----  

01/16/2025 23:23:57

Hello Sweetness!

Don't let anyone ever make you feellike you don't desreve what you want.            -- Patrick Verona --   (10 things I hate about you)In this high school rom - com, weget a powerful reminder that we alldesreve happiness and no one shouldmake us feel otherwise.

01/16/2025 19:44:50

This may contain: a woman sitting on top of a metal object

Story pin image

Story pin image

Story pin image

Even the smallest person can change the coarse of the future.Msy the force be with you... xo

01/16/2025 19:43:04

01/16/2025 14:32:16

This may contain: the inside of a restaurant with many tables and chairs

carousel image 0

CHEERS!! xo 

01/16/2025 11:15:15


This may contain: a woman with blonde hair and blue eyes sitting in a car

This may contain: a man with tattoos on his arms and chest laying down wearing a white shirt and black tie

This may contain: a woman with tattoos and piercings on her arm holding her hand to her face


01/16/2025 11:09:52

01/16/2025 10:46:52

There Is No Next Time, No Time Outs, 

No Second Chances, 

Sometimes It's Now Or Never

~ Unknown ~

01/16/2025 10:28:36

 Good Morning , Friend


 Have a nice day. ~ Hugs

01/16/2025 10:18:50

Happy Thursday! Hugs from me. :)

01/16/2025 08:02:01

01/16/2025 06:52:25

wishing you a lovely pleasant day..hugs 





01/16/2025 05:57:16

Thirsty Thursday :)

Have a good one!

01/16/2025 02:05:36

01/15/2025 22:59:06

Hello, friend, good start to this Thursday

I wish you a GOOD DAY, that you have the best

time. If life doesn't smile at you, tickle it. Life 

is like a mirror that will smile at you if you smile.

 The happiest people are not those who   

  have the most, they are those settle for less 

 than life gives us If you know how to share

 joy and happinessamong the people around  

 you most of them will return that joy

that you wish for with a smile on their face

kisses, take care, Maria...........

01/15/2025 20:22:50


01/15/2025 15:50:05

Have a great evening and thank you for your friendship :)

01/15/2025 11:48:12

"If something is not happening for you, 

it doesn't mean it's never going to happen. 

It means you're not ready for it."

~ Unknown ~

01/15/2025 10:18:24

01/15/2025 10:14:10


This may contain: an ornate balcony overlooking the ocean with chairs and couches on it, along with potted plants

Hugzz sweety..xo 

01/15/2025 08:48:30

Good morning my friend ..

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