Thank you Ally, The pain is not easy to tolerate. As my mother used to say, no pain is good. The pills relieve some symptoms but they are not good for the liver. As long as I can tolerate the pain, I will do it.
Thanks Ally, tomorrow I have an appointment to have my stitches removed, but I'm still in pain, I've taken a lot of pills and I don't want to take any more, now I'm going to hold on as long as I can.
Hello my friend, I'll be here from time to time. I still have stitches in my hand and it hurts, but the doctor gave me the okay to start moving it little by little.
Un sourire ne coûte rien et produit beaucoup. A smile costs nothing and produces a lot.Il enrichit ceux qui le reçoivent, sans appauvrir ceux qui le donnent. It enriches those who receive, without impoverishing those who give.Il ne dure qu'un instant mais son souvenir est parfois éternel. It only lasts a moment but the memory is sometimes forever.Personne n'est assez riche pour pouvoir s'en passer. Nobody is rich enough to do without.Personne n'est trop pauvre pour ne pas le donner. Nobody is too poor not to give it.Il crée le bonheur au foyer. It creates happiness in the home.Il est le signe sensible de l'amitié. It is the visible sign of love and friendship.Un sourire donne du repos à l'être fatigué. A smile gives rest to the tired.Un sourire rend du courage au plus découragé. A smile makes courage than discouraged.Si quelquefois vous rencontrez une personne qui ne vous donne pas If sometimes you meet someone who does not give youle sourire que vous méritez, soyez généreux, donnez lui le vôtre. the smile you deserve, be generous, give him yours.Nul n'a autant besoin d'un sourire que celui qui ne peut en donner aux autres ! No one needs a smile as much as that can give to others!
I love those kinds of one a chance to slow down and recharge. It finally stopped raining here early this morning...some thunderstorms coming a bit later and then all clear for the week. Lol I need some sunshine.
NaturesAlly wrote:
Today will be a lazy do nothing day and waiting on the rain they say we will have tonight. we need it.