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03/06/2025 19:45:55

Good Night my friend,Sweet Dreams..

A young woman embodies a mystical nymph while relaxing on an elegantly vintage couch in soft tones. - Photo, Image

A young woman with enchanting features relaxes elegantly on a vintage sofa, embodying fantasy. - Photo, Image

This may contain: a bouquet of flowers sitting on top of a wooden table

03/06/2025 19:38:44

03/06/2025 19:21:36

Good Night

03/06/2025 19:16:03

“There’s something about it that makes sense, Lent. You give something up, and everything’s more joyful.” —Elaine Stritch ~ Goodnight Ally






03/06/2025 18:24:23

Hi Ally, I love a nice, quiet evening lol...thankfully the winds have died down on my end...how about you?

03/06/2025 17:16:53

have a lovely night Ally..hugs xo 





03/06/2025 16:43:39

Blessed Evening ✰

03/06/2025 16:21:19

The  weather was 50's today  but very cloudy

went for coffee and costco , didn't buy anything the lines were so long'plus forgot my checkbook.,  hope your having a good day., 

have  good night.  june

03/06/2025 16:18:24

We have almost made it to the weekend...
hope your week has been wonderful Ally 

03/06/2025 15:43:33

03/06/2025 15:30:03

hi !  my beautiful friend

Spring is not far away...

Look ...these ladies are alreafy in Spring...

Have a beautiful evening and a blessed night

Much love


03/06/2025 15:05:06

Bonsoir ma chère Allly que j*aime 

Je viens te souhaiter un week*end fabuleux

Un brin d*un doux baisers et un tendres câlins **

03/06/2025 15:00:04

Nice banner Ally! 

03/06/2025 14:55:30

I finally noticed you have not received the translated image...

So here it is...

03/06/2025 14:28:13

*Hello Ally...
we had rain over night*


03/06/2025 14:25:40

Hello, dear friend

I hope you had a nice day.

Here we have had a nice sunshine, after a frozen morning.

Now, the thermoneter is going down once more....

Le "real" Spring is not far away...and it brings joy in my heart...

The evening that is falling, will soon encourage me to go and snuggle up , in the armes os Morphe, with my lovely Pompon.

He spent the whole afternoon outside....

Yes, he really enjoyed the sun.

It's a pity that lovely sun si still rather fresh...

Do you want some laugh , before having a cocooning evening?

03/06/2025 14:17:16

C’est avec une vague
de tendresse

Et un océan d’amitié

Que je viens déposer

Ce petit message sur
ta page

Pour te souhaiter mon
Ami /e

Une agréable soirée

D’une très belle nuit

Débordante de doux rêves


= Amitié de
Pimprenelle =

03/06/2025 14:03:15

03/06/2025 13:13:35

Ever wonder how we all survived 

03/06/2025 13:00:14

Can Bentley come out to play?


03/06/2025 12:59:18

03/06/2025 12:58:32

Happy Thursday ally


much love Kristy 

03/06/2025 12:37:02
It's so hard to explain a feeling, words are nothing for the storm inside.
Grazia Luna


03/06/2025 11:58:41

Szép napod legyen Ally

03/06/2025 11:22:09

This may contain: a blue and white photo with the words i've reached the age where i can't tell if i contained an injury or if that's just how i am now

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