The snow is almost gone now Caroline. l will be heading out in the morning. Feel l have been in the house forever. Hope you have a nice weekend. Going to have a few glasses of wine with a friend who is calling round tonight. Might send out for an Indian.
Hi, I have a Mexican friend that is in the United States on Asylum.She has a court date in April determining if she goes back to Mexico or stays. She is married to an american and its been almost a year with a 8 month old baby.I have no idea how to help her with this. Any suggestions? I am the God Mother to the baby and love them all so dearly. I called a lawyer but they want close to 50.000 I was like noooo wayyyy WOW!! Could really use some feed back if any.Running out of time and no she is not a criminal she is a very sweet person.Thank you! Maria
Good morning, Caroline, I hope you've been having a great week, but best wishes for a wonderful Friday as well, and then a most excellent weekend. Pre-weekend Love & Hugs
Hello Wake up Every morning with hope. That something.. Wonderful will happen! I wish you a great day And a wonderful and peaceful weekend. Take care of yourself... Hugs
Thank you Caroline,I have been pretty good and hope you had a wonderful holiday and your New Year is starting out fantastic. Stay safe and well sweet friend.xo