Mango and passion fruit that is delicious. Cold and windy day here but no rain. l didn't go out. Did some office work and then relaxed in the afternoon. Bit lazy kinda day. Congrats on being voted Featured Member Caroline.
Once again, thank you for being my friend! May God bless you always! Wishing you an amazing week ahead & a lovely Monday full of love & peace & joys! Sweet kisses in your hearts!
Hello my dear friend! How are you? As incredible as it may seem, I still have my apt upside down, now in February it'll be 1 year that they're working there. Fortunately, I found time to get in touch with you and say that even without being on this site, I've y'all in my prayers & in my heart. I'd like to thank you for your friendship, for everything you've sent me and for all your affection towards me. Loving & missing you...always! Big hugs from my heart!
Szerencsésen hazaértünk, nagyon jól éreztük magunkat.Napsütéses időnk van jelenleg, de ismét csökken a hőmérséklet. Sebaj, hiszen most van tél.Vigyázz magadra.
Vidám hétfőt, eredményes hetet jó egészséget kívánok. Éva
Az az ember, aki vak a természet szépségeire, az élet örömeinek csak a feléből részesül.
wishing you an excellent new week querida Caroline!...abrazo y besos...and this evening 9 pm (South side of the world) COLDPLAY´s story on tuned ...