L'attraction principale c'est la volaille ? je crois que ce sont des pintades mais je n'en suis pas certaine je ne suis pas issue de la campagne d'où mon hésitation
xx wake up dear Tom ..peaceful sunday morning xxx...brrr keep snuggled and warm...its stilll.....blowin..*A hooley** here ..hope storm blows over soon .. hot coffee...c[_] x...hugs xxkisses.........move over xx.love xx pix xox
Good Evening My Priceless Friend May Your Weekend Be Fun-Filled And Content In Your Happy Place Pleasant Dreams Darlin'Tom Always Loves And Hugs, ~WW~ {Sue}
Good Evening My Priceless Friend May Your Weekend Be Fun-Filled And Content In Your Happy Place Pleasant Dreams Darlin'Tom Always Loves And Hugs, ~WW~ {Sue}