Evening chilly day 40's and windy., just went to the pharmacy and coffee., hope your day is better., so long to February., Hello to March., see you tomorrow
I can't do much : I am frozen:: I'm already 5 days without central heating: my central heating is gas and thugs sabotaged my gas tank....the heating engineer repaired the damage, but I am waiting for the delivery of new gas....
Much love
je ne sais pas faire grand chose ; je suis gelee..: ca fait 5 jours que je suis sans chauffage central : mon chauffage central est au gaz et des voyous m'ont saboté ma cuve de gaz....le chauffagiste a reparé les degâts, mais j'attends la livraison de nouveau gaz....
A million years ago, I thought that I wanted to do Dress Design. Then I realized I can copy but not design from scratch! Thank you for your beautiful collages each day my wonderful friend!