Good evening dear Boomer friends♥️ what does it matter we wish you a fantastic ♥️ Christmas ♥️in love and harmony ♥️ We are going with our Fam♥️to get away a rest a holiday home in Switzerland. ♥️ Every year we do that our dogs♥️ are also coming along ♥️ Tomorrow afternoon Dutch time 3 o'clock in the afternoon and Dearest much luck(**) and peace♥️Christmas hugs♥️ Love Dayenne ♥️
Good afternoon, Alyse and the countdown, I thought I was ready, but still have a few things to do. Be safe if you need to venture out among the crowds my friend. I'll be staying home and making Greek pastries to send to family for the New Year. Warm hugs! xoxo
A bunch of us are going caroling tonite at several nursing home. Wish you could come. You don’t have to sing well, we just need bodies but the old folk really enjoy it. Wear your funniest Christmas hat