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DarkandLuscious is Living Life At the 60th Milepost

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75 years old
United States
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MEMBER SINCE: 04/05/2009
LAST LOGIN: 09/22/2009 13:23:56

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Gone with the Wind, The Color Purple, How Stella Got her groove Back, Godfather I, II, III, Scarface, Mr. Brooks, The Curious Case of Benjamin Buttons, Roots and The Thorn Birds.

R&B, Bocelli, Faith Evans, Mary J. Blige, Luther Vsndross, Joss Stone, Barry White

I write my own but love to read Romance.Also love light mystery.

Writing, working in my yard, visiting my kids in Phoenix,my sister in Colorado,my in-laws in Maine. shopping, decorating and re-decorating my house , lunch dates with friends, listening to music, especially Andrea Bocelli!

CANCER June 22

Cancers are compassionate, resourceful, tenacious and imaginative. Fiercely protective and nurturing, they are family-oriented and also inclined to take in strays.

Unless the ascendant falls in a more unreliable sign, Cancers tend to be trustworthy and responsible. They are usually good prospects as business partners, as well as for friendships and romantic relationships.

Business Sense
Cancers have a lot of common sense and a practical outlook on life, which makes them good business people and shrewd investors. They have a talent for making money and investing it wisely and practically. Many Cancers start successful businesses and most have a lot of good, practical business ideas. Businesses involving liquids, food, hospitality, children, animals or boats are particularly favoured.

Passionate and Protective
Cancer people are quick to blow up and quick to forgive. They are aggressively protective of friends and family, and will not tolerate anyone saying bad things about those they love. Although they are usually gentle, Cancers can turn ferocious when threatened and show a surprising amount of physical and emotional strength. They are equally protective of the weak and vulnerable, and many take in strays. Cancers are good with vulnerable adults, animals and children, able to intuit their needs.

Most Cancer people need a mate, a nest and children to make their lives complete. Their placid, giving natures often create marital harmony, though some freedom-loving individuals might find Cancerian love smothering. Unless the ascendant is in a more fickle sign, Cancers tend to be loyal, not only to lovers, family and friends, but also to their countries of origin, which manifests as a fierce patriotism.

Cancers are homebodies, but they are also sociable with those close to them (though some are painfully shy outside of their inner circles). They prefer to live with others. However, these others are generally close friends and family members rather than casual acquaintances.

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Cancers often devote their entire lives to their mates and their children, sometimes at the expense of developing their own talents. This can cause a martyr complex if they’re not careful. Unless the ascendant falls in a fire sign, Cancers often put others first and don’t take care of their own needs, which can lead to resentment and bitter arguments. Cancers have a tendency to spoil mates, children and animals. They are often the ones to take care of various extended family members as well. Cancers need to be needed.

Extremely Sensitive
Cancers overreact to criticism. Words can wound more deeply than blows. When hurt, a Cancer will usually retreat for awhile. Cancers may seem moody or crabby, but this is a tough exterior designed to hide their vulnerability from others. They are prone to worry, and tension may be experienced as stomach upset, heart palpitations or tightness in the chest. Some Cancerians grow depressed as a result of the self-pity that comes from dwelling on real or imagined slights. They have a tendency to complain a lot about minor problems, but meet major traumas with quiet stoicism.

Intuitive and Empathic
Cancers are highly intuitive. Many Cancers have a strong, almost psychic link with at least one member of their family if not all of them. Cancers are good at assessing the moods and feelings of others and offering comfort if needed.

Cancers can withstand physical hardship but they have trouble with emotional hardship. Because of this, they are very empathic and quick to comfort those who are sick and suffering. Many Cancerians get taken advantage of by unscrupulous people because they can be quite gullible and eager to help.

Active Versus Passive
There are two types of Cancerians—the active and the passive. The first type is usually active on behalf of other people or animals. Cancers will labor tirelessly on behalf of a friend, partner, family or a good cause, but without such a focus, this sign has a tendency to be lazy. Cancer people can sit around for hours socializing, drinking, watching TV or listening to music. This tendency toward extremes can also be seen in the cleanliness of a Cancer house. Cancer homes can either be extremely tidy or complete disaster areas.

Cancers spend a lot of time thinking about the past. They tend to have particularly powerful relationships with their mothers (either extremely good or extremely bad) and with other women in their lives. Many Cancers have an interest in the ancient past as well as their own pasts. They indulge in nostalgia, which makes them good historians. Common Cancer hobbies include collecting antiques, furniture restoration, restoring old cars or boats, archeology and other activities relating to the past.

Cancers are good problem-solvers, which leads some of them to become bossy and even controlling as they can see what should be done in a given situation and feel that they are pushing others into doing things for their own good. This tendency needs to be overcome, or family and friends will grow resentful.

Water Loving and Addictive
Most Cancers like boats, sailing, pools and baths. They are drawn to water and liquids, which is probably why quite a few of them drink too much. This is an overindulgent sign. Cancers love to feed their friends and family, and will often consume too much themselves. Cancers also become addicted very quickly to cigarettes or drugs if they indulge in them.

Creative and Domestic
Cancer is a creative sign and many Cancerians have artistic talents. Music and photography are common strengths. Cancers also tend to be excellent cooks and have green thumbs, which makes them pleasant household companions.

Cancer Symbol - The Crab
Cancer Affinities Include Water and Boats
Cancer Ruling Planet - The Moon

I am a peace-loving person. Do not like drama at all! Please do not bring it into my space. I like to camp, walk in the woods, love being near the ocean which of course I have to travel hundreds of miles to get to one. Love my husband and my kids. Love my dogs, Tudor and Queesha. Love sushi. Dislike gossip, haters and liars.
I am an author who writes suspense romance novels.

People who can carry on a conversation and actually say something. Women who are confident, aware of their beauty and sexuality without feeling like being a real woman is taboo. Men who are still gentlemen and gentle men. Well-behaved unspoiled children. Romance, romance, romance!

Overly-indulged, disrespectful children and adults. Gossip, trivial pettiness, people online who lurk on sites for the sole purpose of hurting an innocent person. Liars, game-players. Racism in any way, shape or form. Don't bring it to me cause I ain't having it!

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