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Be careful what you wish for...you just might get it!

mem_normal2 OFFLINE
58 years old
Lexington, Kentucky
United States
Profile Views: 1220
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Who referred me: barb

MEMBER SINCE: 02/17/2011
LAST LOGIN: 11/08/2017 20:48:12

I love all types of music. I was brought up on the music of the 60's & 70's which is what my parents listened to. Lots of Pink Floyd, Crosby Stills & Nash, Peter Paul & Mary, Frank Zappa, Paul Simon, Bob Dylan, and of course the Beatles. My collection of music spans from Santana to Frank Sinatra with some Big band music in between. I like Reggae, Jazz, New Age, and Bluegrass music as well.

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pentacle divider



PhotobucketGarden WitcheryPhotobucket

I love anything that Janet Evanovich writes, another favorite is Stephenie Meyer! Other favorites are Scott Cunningham, Ellen Dugan, and Raymond Buckland. I have always been a big fan of Scott's who wrote on the subject of Wicca/Witchcraft. His books were thorough on subjects of Herbs, Magick, Candle burning, and Spells. I have nearly every one of Ellen Dugan's books, and I will say that her books are ALWAYS filled with so much information & knowledge; I've taken a great deal from her books and used it. Ellen's writing techniques are very informative & personal. I highly recommend ANY of her publications. ......


"If I were to name the three most precious resources of life,

I should say books, friends and nature;

and the greatest of these,

at least the most constant and always at hand, is nature."

-Naturalist, John Burroughs.

Autumn Forest Faery

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One of my favorite hobbies is photography. Here in central Kentucky especially the spring time my daughter & I like to ride the roads in search of those spring babies. Once in a while we get to see jockey's out on a ride in the mornings. It never gets old, at least not for us.

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I am a daughter, wife, mother, and a solitary wiccan. I am a natural red head with a strong Irish background. I can have a rather bad temper, but only when provoked. Both great-grandmothers are Irish, one of them being born on St. Patrick's Day. I laugh often which keeps me alive & sane. I have been married for 23 years, and been with my husband for over 27 years. A few of my likes are Scrapbooking, anything Celtic, Witchcraft, Chinese Astrology, Nature, Photography, Cats, History, Computers, Cowboys, and the Western Half of the United States. I have lived in several states, also resided in Canada. One of these days I plan to move back out West to live. I need wide open spaces and plenty of room to move within those spaces..

In Eastern lands they talk in flowers,

And they tell in a garland their love and cares;

Each blossom that blooms in their garden bowers,

On its leaves a mystic language bears.

James G. Percival



I have 4 cats, Jack, Lillie, and our newest 2 newest additions sisters Peanut & Toad! I love them like they were my children and they are treated as such. I'd like to meet people my age or older with a super sense of humor, has an open mind, and likes to joke around with another person. I Like people with an outgoing personality, pessimists bum me out man! I love nature! I like being outdoors, gardening, or just sitting feeling a nice breeze around me. I like to visit cemeteries because of their history - I'm a big History buff. I'm very fond of storms to, the way the air smells before a storm is fabulous! The leaves on the trees become a vibrant green, the wind picks up bringing with it the smell of the falling rain. If you think we have something in common email me, I'd love to hear from you.



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