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T-300 Profile photo Michelle T-300 gif Pink Profile_zps7xtusaha.gif

mem_normal2 OFFLINE
71 years old
Down Home, Tennessee
United States
Profile Views: 21191
[ 49177 ]

Referrals: 0

MEMBER SINCE: 11/07/2010
LAST LOGIN: 09/28/2018 13:07:00

300 photo TheHillMusicNotesColor300_zpsdda780c9.gif

T-247 mg PROFILE photo Doowop Jukebox  animated T-247 mg Rose_zps70chvin3.gif
Doowop Jukebox

300 photo TheHillMusicNotesColor300_zpsdda780c9.gif

300 photo TheHillElvisNoRhythm300_zpse9963dd9.gif
Elvis Can't Seem to Keep Rhythm
with My Music Player. LoL

300 photo TheHillMusicNotesColor300_zpsdda780c9.gif

300 mg PROFILE photo Marlon Brando gif 300 mg Profile_zpshaohzcni.gif
Brando! Rhythm with Attitude!

300 photo TheHillMusicNotesColor300_zpsdda780c9.gif

300 mg photo ElvisSings300mg_zpsc0683c96.gif
ELVIS! The King of Everything!

300 photo TheHillMusicNotesColor300_zpsdda780c9.gif

300 photo MarilynMonroeDoowopAngel300_zps97c64553.gif
300 photo TheHillMusicFlashing300_zpsee2bf857.gif

300 photo TheHillElvisBettyBoop300_zpsa3fe2c8d.gif
297 photo TheHillElvisFlashSign297_zps1c21f7a6.gif

300 photo TheHillPinkFlowerDivider300_zps2ac567d7.gif

300 photo TheHillBeatlesanimation300_zps5dd6e2f8.gif
The Fab Four

300 photo TheHillMusicNotesColor300_zpsdda780c9.gif

PROFILE 300 photo TheHillRumbaRoomStage300_zps3257d925.jpg
The Rumba Room

PROFILE 300 photo TheHillPulpFictionDance300_zps8beefd8a.gif
Pulp Fiction Twist

300 photo TheHillMusicNotesColor300_zpsdda780c9.gif

PROFILE 300 photo TheHillMusicNeonNotes_zpsb08f6795.jpg
250 Flash photo TheHillLoveDanceMusic250Flash_zpsa0685d99.gif

T-300 mg photo Kitty Kats Dance T-300 mg_zpsqgyzz7o4.gif

300 photo TheHillMusicNotesColor300_zpsdda780c9.gif

PROFILE 300 photo TheHillBackto50sSign300_zps26de6441.jpg
Back To The 50's

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PROFILE 300 photo TheHillPeeWeeHermanTequilaDance300_zps2eda99ef.gif
PROFILE 250 photo TheHillOpen24NeonFlashSign250_zps6f99b76c.gif
PROFILE photo TheHillTequilaBarNeonSign300mg_zps607fa7b4.jpg

300 photo TheHillPinkFlowerDivider300_zps2ac567d7.gif

Original photo PalmTreeswaying_zps7e043df0.gif160 Rose photo MichellePinkSportsCar160Rose_zpsd01e48d7.gif
300 PROFILE photo DoowopAngelMichellesDinermg300_zpsb94f5c61.gif
Michelle's Diner

T-300 Profile photo Monkees Car animated T-300 Profile_zps6l0pwjfn.gif
Hey! Hey! We're The Monkees

300 photo TheHillPinkFlowerDivider300_zps2ac567d7.gif

300 PROFILE photo TheHillRoute66mg300_zps997c944b.jpg
Route 66

300 photo TheHillPinkFlowerDivider300_zps2ac567d7.gif

PROFILE 300 photo TheHillDancerspinkblack300mg_zps0da6f03c.gif
Doowop Cha Cha Cha

300 photo TheHillPinkFlowerDivider300_zps2ac567d7.gif

300 mg photo TheHillFab50sNeonSignmg300_zpsf5eb6973.jpg
300 photo TheHillPizzaSignanimated300_zps12ad1851.gif
300 photo CocaColaDrugstoreSignanimated300_zps95deb807.gif
PROFILE 300 photo TheHill50sDriveinMovieSign300_zps158d3421.jpg
PROFILE 300 photo TheHill50sScoopsIceCreamNeonSign300_zps6e4765f9.gif

PROFILE 228 photo TheHillFlamingoanimated_zps6a91363b.gif
PROFILE 300 photo TheHillBeachComber_zps42fa9fda.gif
Florida Beach Comber

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PROFILE 280 photo TheHillKittyKatRecordStoreanimatedLoL_zps786ca27a.gif
Got Doowop?

PROFILE 300 photo TheHillMusicNeonNotes_zpsb08f6795.jpg

PROFILE 300 photo NeonSignChineseFoodmg300_zpsa5e07ba7.jpg
Chinese Food

300 mg photo NeonSignCoffeeanimatedRed300_zpsc0ba3dc8.gif

300 mg photo NeonSignPizzaGuy300mganimated_zps520df3a1.gif
Pizza Guy

300 photo NeonSignOpen24Hours300_zpsc65218ea.jpg
Open 24 Hours

300 photo NeonSignPizzaPiemg300_zps5a12ebaf.jpg
Pizza Pie

300 mg photo NeonSignHotRodmg300_zpsa353150b.jpg
Hot Rod

300 mg photo NeonSign57ChevyDoowopAngelRose300_zps85d61ff0.jpg
57 Chevy

300 photo TheHillPinkFlowerDivider300_zps2ac567d7.gif

PeeWee's Bike Ride
PROFILE 300 photo PeeWeeHermanBikeRide300mg_zps8397bc73.gif

PROFILE 300 photo NeonSignLoungeHeartRose300_zps9e0e32f7.jpg
300 MM photo MM Showgirls 300 MM_zpsvdyou71e.gif
T-200 photo MM Stars Gold T-200_zpsarqcsx4a.gif

PROFILE 300 photo TheHillPianoPlayeranimated287_zps05dae0e2.gif

T-300 PROFILE photo MM Starburst Gold T-300_zpsaws8d7gs.gif
300 mg Mae West photo Mae West Cartoon 300 mg_zps9rmphz6f.jpg

T-200 photo MM Stars Gold T-200_zpsarqcsx4a.gif

300 mg photo BB New York Stage 300 mg_zpsg3zzcqyf.jpg

300 photo TheHillPinkFlowerDivider300_zps2ac567d7.gif

PROFILE 300 photo TheHillILoveLucy_zps22d8e3be.jpg
Yes We Do!

300 photo TheHillPinkFlowerDivider300_zps2ac567d7.gif

300 mg PROFILE photo MichelleAllPink300mg_zpsd48ec2a4.gif
Hello My Friend!
300 photo TheHillPinkFlowerDivider300_zps2ac567d7.gif

300 mg photo 50sAtTheHop300DoowopAngel_zpsf84420f3.gif
At The Hop

300 mg Profile photo 1Dancers300mg_zps00019deb.gif
At The Hop Dancers

300 photo TheHillPinkFlowerDivider300_zps2ac567d7.gif

Profile 300 mg photo Jukeboxand50sFood300mg_zps2c565723.png
Jukebox and Yummy Diner Food

300 photo TheHillPinkFlowerDivider300_zps2ac567d7.gif

profile 300 photo TheHillElvisshootstv300_zpsd82ad29c.jpg
Elvis TV Shootout

300 photo TheHillMusicNotesColor300_zpsdda780c9.gif

300 mg photo ElvisJailhouseRockDance300mg_zpsbbe29b9d.gif
Elvis Jailhouse Rock

300 photo TheHillMusicNotesColor300_zpsdda780c9.gif

300 mg photo Elvis300mg_zps0679abfc.gif

300 photo TheHillMusicNotesColor300_zpsdda780c9.gif

300 mg photo JamesBrownApollo300mg_zps87d4f345.gif

300 photo TheHillMusicNotesColor300_zpsdda780c9.gif

300 mg PROFILE photo BBModelMagazine300mg_zps45534039.jpg
Betty Boop

T-300 photo MM Starburst Silver T-300_zps0ibhngu2.gif
300 mg Profile photo Kitty Kat Dance gif 300_zpsbbvnyoyf.gif

300 photo TheHillPinkFlowerDivider300_zps2ac567d7.gif

300 mg PROFILE photo Mae West Sparkle 300 mg Profile_zpsdbweqihw.gif
Mae West

300 photo TheHillPinkFlowerDivider300_zps2ac567d7.gif

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300 photo TheHillDownWithLoveTwinPosters300_zps556f5a7d.jpg

300 photo TheHillPinkFlowerDivider300_zps2ac567d7.gif

PROFILE 300 photo TheHillDanceBytheLightoftheMoon300mg_zpsf6603623.gif
Dance By the Light of the Moon

300 mg PROFILE photo Hugh Grant animated 300_zpsv63auaqq.gif
Hugh Grant

300 photo MovieLightsanimated300_zps5fb097b2.gif
300 mg photo GoneWithTheWind_zps667ed224.gif
Gone With The Wind
300 photo TheHillWhiteDivider300_zpse1ff725e.gif
xoxo photo MiniHearts_zpse97a23bd.gif photo TheHillMichelleTINY_zpse2c821e5.gif
300 photo TheHillDoowopAngel300_zps57b9bd62.gif
300 photo TheHillWhiteDivider300_zpse1ff725e.gif

300 mg PROFILE photo BusterKeatonDanceProfile300mg_zps41e6c013.gif
Buster Keaton LoL

T-300 Michelle photo Music Notes Michelle T-300_zpsbemqkr8e.gif

T-300 Profile photo Pink Panther gif T-300 mg_zpscmp9zlck.gif
Pink Panther Classy Dancer

T-300 Michelle photo Music Notes Michelle T-300_zpsbemqkr8e.gif

T-300 mg photo Music ON AIR Sign gif T-300 mg_zpshxjtsjor.gif

T-148 mg Doowop Dog photo Doowop Dog gif T-148 mg_zpsszpja01p.gif
T-300 mg photo Doowop Clock T-300 mg_zpseqvunzeo.gif
Doowop Forever

T-300 Michelle photo Music Notes Michelle T-300_zpsbemqkr8e.gif

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300 photo TheHillRockandRollAve300_zps4bcf8052.jpg

T-300 Michelle photo Music Notes Michelle T-300_zpsbemqkr8e.gif

Wayne the Train photo TheHillWayneJukeJointJumpin_zps862ae2d6.gif

T-300 Michelle photo Music Notes Michelle T-300_zpsbemqkr8e.gif

300 PROFILE photo MoonDancers300_zps7bd44229.gif
Moon Dancers

T-300 Michelle photo Music Notes Michelle T-300_zpsbemqkr8e.gif

300 photo TheHillWhiteDivider300_zpse1ff725e.gif

T-300 photo MM Starburst Silver T-300_zps0ibhngu2.gif
300 mg Profile photo Charlie Chaplin Hollywood 300 mg gif_zpsimbac3q7.gif
300 mg Charlie Chaplin Profile photo Charlie Chaplin 300 mg_zpsjvjn0cer.jpg
Happy Ending

300 photo TheHillWhiteDivider300_zpse1ff725e.gif

300 photo PalmTreeMoonMichelle300mg_zps4f614e73.jpg
Thank You for Visiting
PROFILE 300 photo TheHillGottaGoBeautifulDay300_zps8ab42625.gif

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T-107 photo Marilyn Doll Park Bench T-107_zps9uyjqp6i.gif photo KittyKatGreyanimatedwink_zpsb688f1d1.gif
T-300 photo Congratulations Featured Member T-300_zpsfqnkuyv2.gif
August 2015

300 mg photo Pray for Peace gif 300 mg World_zpscqkcru1a.gif

300 photo TheHillMusicNotesColor300_zpsdda780c9.gif
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300 photo TheHillMusicNotesColor300_zpsdda780c9.gif

300 PROFILE photo DoowopDinerOpenAllNight300_zps6f9016e1.jpg

T-300 mg Profile photo Elvis Theatre animated T-300 mg_zpsrn54akqw.gif
300 photo TheHillMusicNotesColor300_zpsdda780c9.gif

300 photo TheHillRedFeather300SPARKLE_zps640cec3f.gif

300 mg gif photo Charlie Chaplin Eyes gif 300 mg_zpsto6plnfd.gif

300 photo TheHillRedFeather300SPARKLE_zps640cec3f.gif

300 photo TheHillMusicNotesColor300_zpsdda780c9.gif

PROFILE 300 photo NeonSignWelcomemg300_zps6a52338a.gif
PROFILE 300 photo JukeboxSuperSongsmg300_zps9aa567ba.jpg

300 photo TheHillMusicNotesColor300_zpsdda780c9.gif

Michelle Profile 300 mg photo Michelle Profile 300 mg_zpsj09ef4jw.jpg
DooWop Angel

300 photo TheHillItsAllAboutTheMusic300_zps15f600b7.gif

300 photo TheHillMusicNotesColor300_zpsdda780c9.gif

300 PROFILE photo DoowopMichelleanimatedmg300_zpsa2046d77.gif

300 photo TheHillJukeboxMichelle300_zpse4f04b15.gif
Jukebox Michelle

116 photo ElvisandMarilynanimatedTINY_zps363f2feb.gif photo HoundDoganimatedTINY_zpsfea0d3e8.gif
300 photo TheHillWhiteDivider300_zpse1ff725e.gif

300 photo TheHillConcessionStand300_zps07535f9f.gif
PROFILE 300x25 photo TheHill57Chevy300x25_zps4a4908e0.gif
300 photo TheHillWhiteDivider300_zpse1ff725e.gif

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300 photo TheHillSealedWithaKiss300_zpse945bbe9.gif
Doowop Angel Kisses

300 photo TheHillWhiteDivider300_zpse1ff725e.gif

300 mg photo Ewan McGregor gif Doowop Angel 300 mg_zpsdcbdsgzb.gif
Ewan McGregor

T-90 gif photo Palm Tree Swaying T-90_zps7tj0lysg.gif photo Memphis Dancing Queen_zpsle9szq89.gif

575 Profile photo Profile Gold Fringe Divider 575_zpsavwhcctp.gif
575 mg photo ElvisPresleyFrankSinatraanimated575mg_zps0fa71e49.gif
"The King" and "Mr. Cool"

575 mg Profile photo ProfileClassyandFabulous575mg_zps484771b8.png

575 mg Profile photo Profile Good Times T-575 mg_zpsgycwjrh7.gif

Doowop GreetingsTINY 160 mg photo JukeboxLoveThoseOldiesTINY_zpsed7f4c4a.gif
Love writing, music music music..
good movies, my family and good friends..
I'm California born, raised in Florida
and moved to Tennessee in
1998 where I now reside.
I do miss the beautiful Florida beaches,
going barefoot in the sand ....
the ocean breezes at night and
the magnanimous swaying palm trees! These are all the things I love
and cherish! And as always ....
Doowop Rock 'n Roll .... and ChocolateProfile SAVE photo Smiley Chocolate_zpsmquea6oe_1.gif photo Mini Hearts_zpsipmkb8i0.gif
Be Happy Groovy and Sweet  photo Mini Hearts_zpsipmkb8i0.gif Doowop Love and hugs, Michelle

THANKS FOR RESPECTING MY PAGE! Profile SAVE photo SmileyMichelleBow_zpscc56783d_1.gif

T-500 mg Profile photo Music Pink Hearts  Divider T-500 mg_zpsw8hc3ucr.gif

550 mg Profile photo Jukebox Saturday Night Neon 550 mg Profile_zpshnbnfheb.gif
Jukebox Saturday Night

T-550 Michelle Profile photo Music Notes Michelle T-550 mg Profile_zpsrkbgisfb.gif

575 Profile photo ProfileRedValance575_zps924234e5.jpg
575 mg Profile photo Profile Fonzie Approved 575 mg_zpsiosvkmei.gif

T-400 Profile photo 1 Rose R_zpsvpfnna3b.gif

575 Profile photo Profile Gold Fringe Divider 575_zpsavwhcctp.gif
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July 2014 photo BBHotrod575mg_zpsccf41aa3.gif
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575 Profile photo Profile Gold Fringe Divider 575_zpsavwhcctp.gif
575 mg Profile photo Diner Rockin Mamas animated 575 mg_zpsopgkivck.gif

575 Profile photo Profile Gold Fringe Divider 575_zpsavwhcctp.gif
Profile photo 1 Michelle Jukebox_zpsxg2latmz.gif
575 Profile photo Profile Gold Fringe Divider 575_zpsavwhcctp.gif

575 mg PROFILE photo Michelle 50s Band 575 mg Profile_zpsu9woshrv.jpg

575 Profile photo ProfileRedValance575_zps924234e5.jpg
480 mg Profile photo Judy Garland animated 480 mg_zps8jzwrdtx.gif
Judy Garland
T-575 mg photo CabaretSparkleT-575mg_zpsd909477c.gif

T-550 Michelle Profile photo Music Notes Michelle T-550 mg Profile_zpsrkbgisfb.gif

Opening Theme Credits ~ Movie "GREASE"

575 Profile photo Profile Gold Fringe Divider 575_zpsavwhcctp.gif
558 mg Profile photo At The Hop 558 mg Profile_zps5yhvzkri.jpg
At The Hop

575 Profile photo Profile Gold Fringe Divider 575_zpsavwhcctp.gif

Pink Cadillac

575 Profile photo Profile Gold Fringe Divider 575_zpsavwhcctp.gif
SEPTEMBER 2015 - 575 mg photo BB Elvis Nifty Fifties Animated 575 mg_zpskxj1j81d.gif
The King and Betty Boop

575 mg Profile photo Rock Around the Clock 575 mg Profile_zps0bujjdlf.jpg
Rock Around The Clock

Betty Boop Drive-In

500 mg photo HollywoodDinermg500_zps129e0fc2.jpg
Hollywood Diner

T-100 photo ElvisanimatedParachuteT-100_zps698068d5.gifT-250 photo ElvisBlvdBlue250_zps40ab1672.gifT-63 photo HoundDoganimated_zps2898ddf7.gif

550 mg Profile photo BeatlesJohnGeorgeRingoPaul550mgProfile_zps21e82878.jpg
John - George - Ringo - Paul
550 Profile photo HELLOMYFRIEND_zps229b1abf.gif

575 Profile photo Profile Gold Fringe Divider 575_zpsavwhcctp.gif
575 mg Profile photo American Graffiti 575 mg Profile_zpstk43rnpq.gif
American Graffiti

575 Profile photo Profile Gold Fringe Divider 575_zpsavwhcctp.gif
575 mg Profile photo Mels Drive In 575 mg Profile_zpsanbc8twf.gif
Mel's Drive-In
 photo PalmTreeswaying_zps21463f83.gif
575 Profile photo Profile Gold Fringe Divider 575_zpsavwhcctp.gif
575 mg Profile photo Cruisin Chevy Style 575 Profile_zps2rop3khf.jpg
575 mg Profile photo Ultimate Doowop Show 575 mg Profile_zps5w8f5lgv.jpg
575 Profile photo Profile Gold Fringe Divider 575_zpsavwhcctp.gif

275 mg gif PROFILE photo Betty Boop Profile 275 mg gif Rose_zpshrkpyaye.gif
575 Profile photo Profile Gold Fringe Divider 575_zpsavwhcctp.gif
575 mg PROFILE photo Drive-In Movie Sign Animated 575 mg Profile_zpsj0pxbujr.gif
575 mg Profile photo 50s Drive-In Theatre 575 mg Profile_zps9wcdllai.gif

575 Profile photo Profile Gold Fringe Divider 575_zpsavwhcctp.gif

575 mg photo TheHillRockandRollisHeretoStay575mg_zps0051ca41.gif
575 mg Profile photo Profile Pulp Fiction Twist animated 575 mg_zpso9sopwye.gif
543 photo MusicNotesColor543_zps0f01884b.gif

575 mg PROFILE photo Elvis Banner 575 mg Profile_zpsmeba1ugd.gif
543 photo MusicNotesColor543_zps0f01884b.gif

550 mg photo Movie Starburst Gold T-550 mg_zpsvev8ien4.gif
575 mg PROFILE photo Elvis animated Love Me Tender 575 mg Profile_zpsrucexm8r.gif

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500 photo Elvis gif Forgot The Lyrics 500_zps8lp9lpgj.gif

543 photo MusicNotesColor543_zps0f01884b.gif

T-108 photo Stars Sparkle T-108_zpskvnt7gde.gifT-32 Michael Jackson photo Michael Jackson Doll T-32_zps2l5jqtfw.gif
T-550 photo Black Glitter Roses 550_zpscpizpis0.gif
T-108 photo Stars Sparkle T-108_zpskvnt7gde.gifT-108 photo Stars Sparkle T-108_zpskvnt7gde.gifT-108 photo Stars Sparkle T-108_zpskvnt7gde.gif
September 2015 - 575 photo Kitty MoonWalk 575 mg_zpsdi6618ci.gif
T-108 photo Stars Sparkle T-108_zpskvnt7gde.gifT-108 photo Stars Sparkle T-108_zpskvnt7gde.gifT-108 photo Stars Sparkle T-108_zpskvnt7gde.gif

T-550 photo Black Glitter Roses 550_zpscpizpis0.gif
548 mg Profile photo FredAstaire548Profile_zpsb59685a9.jpg
500 photo Fred Astaire animation 500_zpsgjyt8kcy_1.gif
T-550 mg photo CheshireCatClassyandFabT-550mg_zpsdda901d3.png
500 mg photo Desi Animated 500 mg_zpsalguvrjk.gif
575 mg photo LucyDividerPink575mg_zps5d7d6ce8.png
500 mg photo Lucy Dance Animated 500 mg_zpsil4rwgm1.gif

575 Profile photo Profile Gold Fringe Divider 575_zpsavwhcctp.gif

T-550 photo Movie Starburst Silver T-550 mg_zpssm8ewqld.gif
550 mg gif photo Charlie Chaplin gif 550 mg_zpsvfsdpuey.gif
August 2016 - 550 mg photo Bogart and Bacall gif 550 mg_zps4bnukjcn.gif
T-550 photo Black Glitter Roses 550_zpscpizpis0.gif
T-200 photo Stars Silver Sparkle T-200_zpskkxggw03.gifT-200 photo Stars Silver Sparkle T-200_zpskkxggw03.gif
T-386 photo Michelle Silver Glitter T-386_zpsduytfekk.gif

575 Profile photo Profile Gold Fringe Divider 575_zpsavwhcctp.gif

Displaying 8 out of 46 comments
03/28/2025 13:23:59


03/25/2025 17:40:28

All we are saying is Happy Taco Tuesday

Peace & Love ❤

03/22/2025 14:19:04
Don't Stop Dancing!!

I'll be back later with party favours:)

03/22/2025 13:04:45

This Boomer party needs music!

Have a nice Saturday


03/21/2025 14:54:41

Have yourself a nice weekend:)


03/19/2025 20:46:44

That’s a lot of time craving pickles and ice cream.

Happy Hump Day:)

03/18/2025 18:05:52

have a good eveing i went to my foot doctor today got some things done today  my leg is getting better,  tomrrow go back to my club, nice spring day today, soon it be spring cant wait,  take care see you tomrrow love all of your comments and pictures god bless love mary

03/17/2025 20:11:18

Hope everyone had a blessing day everyone is irish   , god blessings. iam doing ok  my leg is slowly improving  iam watching the voice, they all good. i had a little bit of cornbeef and cabage but i feel my  body is loosing  taste for it i guess the older you get  brain says no lol ha ha, i love the irish soda bread but iys like thanksgiving   good for only one day you get tired, my stomach cant take certin food like i did when i was younger. anyway tomrrow  is my fooot doctor at 1pm have a wonderful night. still pray for our court case we got less 20  pluss days to  appeal our case  there is a meeting at my friend house that we  meet, but my leg i dont know i can, my frend house is   on a rock mountain to get to the house then its the stairs my leg i cant do it. ill have to see  what we can do. pray  for this thank you  good night. love mary

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