High School Name (City, State)
I went two high Schools the first was Del City High in Del City Oklahoma and the 2nd was Richland High School in North Richland Hills, Texas
College Name
I went To Northeastern State in Tahlequah,Oklahoma, and OSU in Stillwater, Oklahoma, and to Tarrant County Junior College in Hurst, Texas
College Graduation Year
Never Graduated but I have about 120 hours. It is a long story.
College Graduation Major/Concentration
Math Chemistry and forestry
Licensed a and P aircraft mechanic and I worked in a food warehouse and became a manager till I got hurt. I have also painted houses hauled trash worked an 7-11 and six flags as a kid
I also have lived in fort worth as an adlut and got a job at a Food warehouse. I worked there for about 5 years. I got a promotion to supervisor at the parent company. Nine months later I got hurt. I have a broken neck in four places and my back is broken in about eleven places now. Maaried in 75 and had two Boys three years apart. When I got hurt she left. Learned sign language and got married to a deaf woman which laste 9 months. She fell in love with cocaine. I gave her a choice between me and cocaine. She picked up her cocaine and left. Got arried to woman in a wheelchair like myself. lasted for 18 and 1/2 years. Then she left me for another man with no reason given for a long time and then the reasons were not true. That brings everything up to date
I am 57 years old. I am half Native American and almost half Irish and about 1/8 Black. I am Apache, Mescalero Band. Been married three times and I have 4 Boys. 2 from two marraiges. I am disabled since 1978 with a broken neck and back. I was an Air Force brat with two sisters and i was the one in the middle. I have an a and p mechanics licensce which allows me to work on aircraft. I have about 130 hours of college.
I have been asked to put a little more information about me . I was a black Market baby. that means i was sold by my Irish mother. She did not want to bring home a half blood Native child to her All Irish family. she had decided to go back to her husband. My Father was Apache MY mother had left her husband to be with him. Then he was dying of tubercuosis so My father sent her to live with his people on the reservation. They were suppose to take care of me . that is his family but she had other ideas So that is why I cannot trace my roots and why I am not on the roles. but that is life.
My Adoptive Father was a quarter Chickasaw and my my adoptive mother was mainly English. I have two sisters one older one youger. They were my adoptive parents real children. We were all loved and treated the same. I could not have asked for better parents. My Father was my hero then and still is now. He fought in WW11 and Korea in the Air Force. He worked with Oppenheimer flew arond the leaders of South American counties , and was station in Panama for awhile. Later he was a teacher and Later became Soutwest Gato Assisant Chief for the FAA. I have about 120 hours of college and no degree you figure it out. I have been married three times and I am in the middle of my third divorce. I cannot believe it and they all left me and all cheated on me. I never cheated on them. Belileve it or not. I have four sons and four grandchildren. Two girls and two boys for grandchildren.
When in Oklahoma I was beaten for being a breed in a white mans school . Also because we lived in a white mans town. They drug me on concrete til my bones showed thrugh and left me. I hunted them all down like prey after i healed months later. If I looked at a white girl they attacked me and that was all there were. I was kicked out of their churches or made to sit in the back pew. I was shot at stabbed and cut to the bone too many times to count. This happened from 1960 to 66 then again from 69 to 72. I have too many stories too put here about such things.
I worked in a food warehouse for four years and then was promoted to supervisor at the parent company. I worked there for about 1 year. . Then I got hurt by a ramp that was illegal (too steep) . I had thrown it out the day before and someone had drug it back in . No easy task. I have a broken neck in four places and my back is broken in about eleven places now. I had four ribs removed . I am in the same pain a a cancer patient in his last year of life. I am in a wheelchair. This happened in 1978. My first wife left me no money coming in. I married again and she fell in love with cocaine, It ended that marraige. Third time I thought I had it right I had two more sons married 18 1/2 years then left me this Jan for my friend (HA) She is a partial quad and I took perfect care of her all that time and supported her in any and everything she wanted to do. That is four boys all togeather