"May you have all the happiness and luck that life can hold-and at the end of your rainbows may you find a pot of gold."—Old Irish Blessing ~ Goodnight friend have a good weekend
The blessing of the LORD makes one rich, And He adds no sorrow with it. Proverbs 10:22 NKJV
"This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 NLT ~ Sunday grace and peace my friend.
"At its simplest, Lent is a season where you commit to a deeper holiness and more vibrant discipleship." — George Sinclair
Good evening dear ones♥️ just a message from us here.♥️ For tomorrow cozy St Patrickday ♥️ Lots of love and health ♥️ i'll be there tomorrow not taking blood they call it APK inspection here but it♥️ is for yourself to see if everything is okay and that's good♥️ in the Netherlands that is well arranged♥️ Hope for you too!!! for your own interest!!♥️ Love hugs Dayenne ♥️
We have had rain the last two days....even hail & lightening....and snow in our Mountains & close foothills......sun just popped out.....will have a break in a couple days....I know everyone is having all kinds of Weather....Goodness Spring is coming !! Hugs Lorribelle54
Good afternoon dearest♥️thanks a lot again on the guestbook♥️ Wish you also a beautiful ♥️ sunny weekend♥️ Lots of love sunny hugs♥️Always with Respect ♥️Dayenne I Trim♥️ now in the sun outside the dogs♥️ To all a Sweet ♥️greeting from the Netherlands ♥️