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03/06/2025 11:45:30

03/06/2025 11:14:27

03/06/2025 11:03:39

03/06/2025 10:16:38

Happy ThUrSdAy .. Already!  XXO

03/06/2025 10:07:45

Hope your Thursday is going well! Rain or snow? Every day for a week in Wonderland it's one or the other. Waiting for the sun & a rainbow!

03/06/2025 10:01:11

Every choice you make isn't 

always gonna be the right one. 

But you have too live & learn

~ Unknown ~

03/06/2025 09:22:49

Facebook Comments, Funny Comment Codes, Animations, Comment Glitters, Glitter Graphic s, Pictures, Graphics for your facebook profile and facebook comments at superhotfile .com

Facebook Comments, Funny Comment Codes, Animations, Comment Glitters, Glitter Graphic s, Pictures, Graphics for your facebook profile and facebook comments at superhotfile .com

Facebook Comments, Funny Comment Codes, Animations, Comment Glitters, Glitter Graphic s, Pictures, Graphics for your facebook profile and facebook comments at superhotfile .com

03/06/2025 08:06:16

Hello good morning, Thursday is here,

this week flew by,

enjoy a BEAUTIFUL DAY full of PEACE, and

new joys, I wish I had them but

how nice that on this new day your routines

become new surprises, anger, smiles and sadness,

in hopes, face your day with a smile

on your pretty face, a new illusion in your

soul and a lot of love in your heart, the weather here

is crazy cold, rainy, sad days,

if tomorrow it changes I will grow wings, and I will fly

it must be relaxing, in the sky, and see

new things, get into a white cloud

and let the stars illuminate me, and I send you hugs

Maria take care.......................

03/06/2025 06:36:35


03/06/2025 05:21:01

Story pin image

This may contain: an old stone house with red flowers growing on it's windows and door, surrounded by greenery

Enjoy your day, HUgzz xo

This may contain: two red and white polka dot coffee cups on a saucer with the words buen dia

03/06/2025 03:47:48

03/06/2025 03:19:47

03/06/2025 02:54:14

Morning ,sweet Friend .Be happy !



03/05/2025 23:33:58

Good morning sweet Lady Patricia and heartily greetings to You

Thursday morning motivation. – Fighting The War Inside My Body

03/05/2025 23:02:43

03/05/2025 22:36:00

↶*ೃBeautiful✧˚. ❃ Night↷ ˊ-

♡̩̥̩♡̩̩̥͙♡̩͙ ˊˎLife


03/05/2025 22:09:14

good morning happy thursday - Apps on Google Play

Most Beautiful Flowers to Express Your Love | Blog - MyFlowerTree

03/05/2025 21:02:23

03/05/2025 18:42:36
Good Night Patricia.

03/05/2025 18:32:55

Good Night my friend, I just love my teddy bears...:)

This may contain: a brown teddy bear holding a heart in its paws with the caption i love you

Sweetest Dreams & Blessings.. xo

03/05/2025 17:32:13

“Lent is a time of going very deeply into ourselves… What is it that stands between us and God? Between us and our brothers and sisters? Between us and life, the life of the Spirit? Whatever it is, let us relentlessly tear it out, without a moment’s hesitation.” – Catherine Doherty Ash Wednesday night grace and peace my friend




In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent. Acts 17:30 NIV

03/05/2025 17:08:32

Evening  raining off and on

tonight heavy rains  and windy

went for coffee and the store., then went to have my taxes done.,

hope your having a good day  see you tomorrow,''

good  night

03/05/2025 16:21:37

I read the news today oh boy

What's shaking?

03/05/2025 15:58:18

*Find joy in the little things*

03/05/2025 15:28:54

The phrase Change your thoughts and you change your world emphasizes the transformative power of min

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